The Welcoming

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The situation outside the room

Jin and Yoongi decided that they will make an Indian dinner for Saakshi and the maknaes would also like to enjoy something different.

Joon and Hobi decided to clear and clean the whole house(except the innermost room of course).

"Should we decorate it a little?" Joon said thinking out loud.
"That would be nice, but before that we've got to put out all this trash" said Hobi, holding two big bags of trash. "Could you please pick those two up?" Hobi requested, gesturing at the two bags near his feet.

"Oh sure!"Joon said coming back to reality.

"Close the door after coming in please, I'm going to the next room to get the stuff for decoration"
Hobi said leaving to get the stuff.

A few moments later, Joon appeared at the door of the room with doorknob in his hand.
"Umm, Hobi-ah,"
"Hmm" Hobi replied not looking up, busy in his work.
"Could please look over here...?" Joon said nervously.
"What is it Joonie?" he said as he looked up. Namjoon showed him the broken knob.
Hobi let out a sigh.
"Which door?"
"The main one" Namjoon replied quavering.
"Doesn't look that bad, ask Yoongi hyung to fix it later.
"Well what, I can't help the fact that this is the third knob you've broken this week."
"You actually can...."
"Nope, I'm not coming with you to tell him this. It's happened because of you, so you should be the one to go."
"Ugh, Fiiiine."
"Don't you dare whine mister." Hobi said in stern tone, almost as if he was scolding his kid.
"I'll tell him after dinner." Joon thought to himself.

The situation in the kitchen
"Ok, I've texted the young ones to keep her entertained in the room for next few hours." Yoongi informed Jin.
"Keeping someone occupied for a few hours is difficult though." said a slightly worried Jin.
"That's what they said."
"What did you say then?"
"They could sleep.
Or put her to sleep.
Whatever." Yoongi said shrugging his shoulders.
"Do you think she's a baby to put to sleep to? And how do you think that new girl will be able to sleep in a room with three boys? Won't she uncomfortable? C'mon Yoongi use your brain...."
"Don't worry they'll come up with some thing."
"Chill" Yoongi reassured.

"Fine..." "Anyway, what are we making?" Jin said changing the topic to something more important.

"Well, I have this cookbook of Indian recipes in it, so I'm going through it."

"Are you done looking? You're taking too much of time. Here, let me check!" an annoyed Jin said snatching the cookbook from Yoongi's hands.

"Hyung I hope you remember that we have to cook today itself.😑"

"Yaaaah, wait please. It takes time to read just the names. See, for example, Pa---neee--rrr, Ma--khaa-nii. Ugh!
On top of that, some of these recipes have ingredients I haven't even heard of. I mean what do you mean by star anise?!!"

"Hyung, isn't it used in kimchi?" Yoongi said internally face-palming himself.

"Okay I've found a good one here. It's called Pa--raaa--thaaa. Paarthaa I guess. It's easy. You get the flour and I'll get the potatoes."

Meanwhile in the maknaes' room

"So what should we do next? The room is all clean and a little decorated as well." Jungkook said with sigh of relief.

"Do you want to dance? We'll put on some music." Tae said excitedly.
"Sure, why not?"😁 Saakshi readily agreed.

Tae came close to Saakshi and kept his elbow on her shoulder and said(teased Jimin),
"You're gonna wanna see Jimin's dance."
"He's the best of us."

"Yeah, he's literally studied modern dance."said Kookie praising his hyung, unaware of what Tae was doing.

"Oh, well that'll be nice. Jimin can show what he studied and I can show what I studied." Saakshi said grinning.

"We're not in the mood for studies right now Saakshi," Tae said making a fake-annoyed face and threw himself one the bed.

"Oof, I keep forgetting to tell you stuff. Dance was one of my majors in college." she explained.

Tae got up faster than the speed of light and asked, "How are you real?"

Tae got up faster than the speed of light and asked, "How are you real?"

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"What? Sorry I don't get you.." said very confused Saakshi.

"Firstly, you are goddamn smart, I mean who the hell completes their school and college SO damn early?!" said Tae explaining, the matter.

"Second, you are just a year older than me right? Then how is your 'mental age' equal to an adult's?"
added Jungkook.

"Umm...uhh...the thing is....umm..."
Saakshi didn't know what to say. She for sure didn't know why she was this way. Plus, these guys made it sound as if it was something wrong.

"Guys, cool down please. Let's not pressure her with questions. And you guys shouldn't actually have a problem with she being the way she is." Jimin said, saving Saakshi from a very awkward situation.

"Now, we were supposed to dance. Anyone have any ideas on which song to play?"

The time is 6:15.
The scenario outside the room

Hobi and Joon had almost finished decorating the house.

The food was also almost ready.

Yoongi texted Tae, Jimin and JK that it would be ok to bring Saakshi out in 15 mins.

In the room where the maknaes were having fun.

The guys phones ping together.
Jimin immediately checks while Tae and JK were in a full-on karaoke mode with Saakshi.

Jimin reads his his texts and shows them to Tae, who then shows it to JK. During this, Saakshi was choosing their next song for karaoke.

"Hey, Saakshi listen, um I think we've been in here for almost 3-4 hours now--"Tae said.
"And it's dinner time as well!" said an overly excited JK.
Tae slightly chuckled at JK's excitement and continued,
"Yeah, so how about we go out now?"

"Actually, I'm also hungry from all the dancing. Let's go out. Maybe I make something quickly."
said Saakshi opening the door.

Also to be continued

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