Saakshi's Ships

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This is when Saakshi has been a part of bts till 2016 and back.

Namjoon x Saakshi
NamSaak, SaakJoon
The Brains

-he said if he weren't the leader, it would be her

-many times the "parents" of chaotic bts

-known as the smartest members

-both love books

-he helped her learn japanese

-she teaches him her languages

-know about their ship and tease army with a forehead kiss or something for fun

-he is one of the people who reached out to her when she was new to the group

-he discovered her talent of rapping

-only two who are fluent in English

- They sometimes "protect" bts by translating hate comments into good ones

-same way they translate savage replies of bts during interviews into something inoffensive at the same time giving a signal to the interviewer to never ask such a dumb question again.

-whenever they are worried about something and need to discuss it and can't leave, or are planning a surprise, they switch to English for special communication.

-both are done with bts

-10% romantic and 90% family

Saakshi x Jin
Grace x Jin
Gracin, SaakJin,
The Foodies

-both are foodies

-cooking, baking buddies

-she teaches him indian dishes and he teaches her korean dishes

- only sometimes parents of chaotic bts (because jin behaves like a maknae half the time)

- she is his favourite kid

-love to fish

- he gave her the name world wide beauty.

- he isn't aware of their ship but she is.

- 100% family

Yoongi x Saakshi
The Composers

-love sleeping

-both of them compose, write, and produce music together

-24/7 parents of chaotic bts(though many a times she is also involved)

- he taught her piano

-fastest rappers of the group(and in the industry)

-both hate to show their tears

-savage king and queen

- suga said she is one of the members he goes to when he needs emotional support, (surprisingly)advice, or just to spend time talking and the same is with her.

-Yoongi said in his next life he would love to have her as his younger sister though she isn't any different now

-she loves to tease and annoy him

-she is the only one who can wake him up without facing hell

-drinking buddies as she has the second highest drinking tolerence after yoongi

- both are aware of their ship but are unbothered by it

-100% family

J-Hope x Grace
Hobi x Saakshi
J-Grace, HobiSaak
The Choreographers

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