Saakshi's Past: Continued

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She continued,"I had feelings for Zara, a girl in my group who was two years older to me. And to my surprise, she shared the same feelings. We dated and were happy for sometime and then....*hugh sigh* my parents found out."

The boys(except Jimin) now almost knew what was coming.
But Jimin too had a hunch.

My mom was the maddest I had ever seen her. She hit me alot that day. She would have literally killed me if nana hadn't interfered. I still believe to this day that she stopped because she didn't want to go to prison, not because she cared."

Everyone's state at the moment once she said this:

Namjoon: Disgusted at her mom for treating her own child like this

Jin:'How dare she do this to my sweetie!'

Yoongi:'What the actual Fuck?! I know parents can be homophobic but to this extent that they almost kill their child?!! Ridiculous!!

Hobi: Oh my goodness! My baby has gone through so much! She deserves all the love in the world! I'll shower her with all the love I can forever now.

Tae: Blood boiling at the audacity of the woman(yes, it didn't matter who it was) to hurt his bestie like this.

JK:Fists and jaw clenching. He is very hurt. If the lady was in front of him right now she wouldn't be saved from his punch

Jimin: Everyone knows that an Angry Jimin is the scariest. He was hurt, full of rage, and about to cry. Now that is a deadly combination.
He put his arms around his girlfriend's waist and side-hugged her.

She hugged him back, now resting her head on his chest.

"Dad also wasn't happy with it.

They made me break up with her very rudely. She was in tears. But I knew that if I continued, she would get hurt even more. I couldn't let that happen. My parents shifted me to a completely different college the next term and we shifted to new city. They deleted all the contacts I had of her and people from whom I could get her contacts from.

I was broken."

At this point Yoongi was like:
"Well of course you were broken.
What did you expect? This shit is too damn much for a 14-yr-old!"

And others were like: Ohhh! That's the reason why she didn't want her parents to know that she's dating Jimin/me! She's still scared from this shit that happened years ago.

"I put a lot of work on myself and overworked like hell. In the new college I mostly kept to myself and spoke only when spoken to.

My part time job was still ongoing, as the place I worked had many franchises. So they just shifted my reporting place. I used to be out for my job most of the time so my brother was either at home, with his friends, or mine. Mostly his though.

My vocal and dance teachers noticed my talent and signed me up for a competition. I got selected but I purposely did badly. I needed more time for my job. That was the only stable income I had. And what if I had continued putting efforts and into the competition and lost after almost winning? Nothing. So I just kinda quit. But according to the judges there, my voice wasn't 'suitable' enough for Indian songs so I got eliminated.

I somehow finished college and saw that my career guide at college sent me Bighit's application form.

I applied but didn't have any hopes. But I got selected. I was very happy. I was going to leave my house now.

My mom agreed to let me work only because I would earn a stipend. To be honest, I had never told her about my part time job. She would've taken all my earnings if she knew so I just kept quiet. Only my brother knew about it.

When I did my meeting with Bang PD-nim, Ma was very salty about it. But later celebrated, that too half heartedly, when Dad and Grandma spoke to her. Ma still doesn't believe in us. In me..."

Right now Tae was like:

She wasn't crying but was sad. Jimin rubbed her back and patted it. He gave her a lil kiss on the cheek and said,"It's okay jagi, we are there with you. As long as we believe in us, we can achieve our goals."

"Hmm, once I became a trainee, I lived with a few girls for around three years but never got to know them properly. We hardly met as our timings were different.

Then I met you guys... And happiness officially entered my life." She said smiling wide, her head on Jimin's shoulder, with his arms still around her waist.

Everyone was now a lil emotional.

They were touched.

They had discovered so much about their younger sister, bandmate, bestie, noona, and girlfriend.

"I-I n-never knew you went through so much babe..."

"That's because I never told you Jiminie." she said with warm smile.

"No, but really. We never asked you. We should have." Yoongi said.

"Oppa, it's fine. I'm very happy to be with Jiminie and you guys. And everything happens for a reason. Everything that happened with me shaped half of my personality. I got many valuable things like cooking and being independent."

"Hmm, right but you never deserved what happened with you." Namjoon said.

"Yeah, you deserve all the love in the world." Hobi continued.

"And I'm getting it! From you people and ARMYs. That's way more than enough."

"I'll always protect you babe. No matter what." Jimin said hugging her like a baby.

"I'm sure you will." she said with a smile and hugged him back.

Everyone smiled and one by one, all the couples(Namjin isn't one yet they're on the way) went to their rooms as it was 4 in the morning.

Taekook went to Jimin and Kookie's room.


"Hmm" she replied while going to the kitchen to drink water.

He followed her and spoke to her while she drank water.

"Now that your family isn't here, don't you think we should switch roommates?"

"Nah, I think Tae and I should." She said, making him realise what he said actually just meant that she would have Kookie as her roommate and Jimin would have Tae.

"Oh, yeah right."he chuckled.

"But please, can you guys switch?" he said making his signature puppy face.

"Won't be a problem. You and Tae anyway just live in each other's rooms. Just shift your stuff around tomorrow." she said squishing his cheeks.

Saakshi had just finished wrapping up the kitchen and Jimin suddenly picked her up princess style.

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