I really can't think of a title

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~Time Skip~
In the morning

"Hey, Saakshi, what is your plan for today?" Namjoon asked at the table.

"Um, nothing much really, I have to work on a choreography with Hobi oppa, maybe Jungkook and Jimin will join, from there, he(Hobi) is only taking me to a song writing meeting because Yoongi oppa wants me there. I'll meet Namjoon oppa there. After that we have an interview to attend.

"So whose taking you around today?" Jin asked.

"Well, I have a couple of "drivers" today. Jimin is taking me to the dance studio,"

At this sentence, all the three, Jin, Joon and Tae look at each other with slight smirks.

"Then, as I said, Hobi oppa will drive me to the meeting, and from there I guess, Namjoon , Hobi, and Yoongi oppa, will take me to the interview."

"Oh ok.." Jin said.

"Saakshi-aaah! Get ready! Hobi hyung will scold us if we're late!" shouted Jimin from his room.

"Oh right!" Saakshi rushed to her room hurriedly.

The three boys couldn't stop themselves from smirking now but quickly stopped before anyone else noticed.

"Jimin-ah, what are you wearing?" Saakshi asked.

"It's a black jeans and this shirt..." Jimin pointed to what he was wearing.

"I-is it bad? I can change. It's not a problem. If-"

"Jiminie! Stop." she said cutting him off,
"I asked cuz it's looking good. You look handsome in it."
She said with a warm smile.

"Oh... Thank you..." Then he nervously chuckled.

"You look cute when you laugh, you should keep laughing."

"Thanks" he said with a wide grin.

They hopped onto the bus and reached their dance studio.
"Phew, just in time! 15 more minutes and Hobi hyung would have killed us."

"Not me, just you. I'm his favourite." Saakshi replied.

"Oh really? You know what? Let's ask him."

"Fine, the loser....um.." Saakshi was thinking about a punishment when Jimin completed her sentence,
"has to stay next to the winner all day. They can only leave the winner's side after asking them."

Saakshi didn't realise this was a win-win situation. Jimin would get to stay beside her all day, it didn't matter if he won or lost.

"Ok, works. Now let's go!"

They rushed into the studio, got ready for the practice and then Saakshi remembered their bet and asked,
"Hobi oppa, who do you like more, Jiminie, or me?"

"That, my dear, is a very difficult question. How about I tell you after the practice?"

"Ok sure!"

"Ok now tell me what do you have in mind for the hook line?" Hobi asked.

After the practice

"Ok, hyung, now tell us who do you like more? Her or me?" Jimin asked.

"It's really hard but at the moment I like her more."

"Yaaaay!" Saakshi jumped.

"Hyuuuung! Not fair!" Jimin said with a pouty face.

"Sorry Jimin-ah." Hobi (kinda) apologised.

"Anyway, I actually have a few errands to run and I'll reach the songwriting from there. Jimin-ah, could you please take Saakshi to the meeting? Then from there maybe you can only bring her to the interview. What say?" Hobi asked.

Namjoon had made up and some 'errands' and had asked for Hobi's help in them.

"Well that makes our bet easier. Yes Hobi oppa, it works." Saakshi confirmed.

~Time Skip~
While going to the interview

In the taxi.

"So, have you guys thought of a name for the song you were writing today?" Jimin asked.

"Yeah, we were thinking to keep the hook line as the title. 'I NEED U'. What do you think?" Saakshi replied.

"It's pretty good."

"By the way, keep your vocal chords ready. You're going to have some high notes in this one."

"Wow, you guys reached the line distribution already?" Jimin asked, surprised.

"Well not really, Yoongi oppa and I added a high note in the background while Jungkook's line in the front. A few like these are decided but the rest of the line distribution is still remaining." Saakshi explained.

"Ohh, ok."

"Hey, one more big news, I decided my stage name." She said with a big smile.

"Really? Please tell me I'm dying to know!"

"Well actually everyone at the meeting came up with a few names and asked me to choose. I chose the one suggested by Yoongi and Hobi oppa.


"Wow, you know what? It really suits and represents you."

"Thank you! Jiminie, did you change?"

"Yeah, I did actually. The outfit I was wearing was fit for practice, not interview, plus I was all sweaty. "

"Ok, makes sense."

"Ok, Miss Fashion Queen, tell me how am I looking."

"Handsome..." And she was blushing again but quickly realised and stopped.

But Jimin saw it.

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