Good Memories: Kookie

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He was sitting in his home studio thinking of a painting/sketch to make. Then he thought of the time when his noona helped him in his homework and the first time she introduced him to banana milk.

As usual, Flashback~

This was when his roomate was Namjoon and hers was Tae.

It was midnight.

He was doing his homework but suddenly let out a huge, deep sigh and plopped his head on the table.

She walked in from behind, ruffled his hair lightly, and his slightly raised and turned his head to see who was standing behind him.

"Oh, noona..."he slightly whispered and went back to laying his head on the table, tired, exhausted and frustrated as he couldn't solve what according to him should have been, an easy sum.

She ran her hand through his hair lovingly and said, "You have any problem Jungkookie?"

He sighed deeply and stared at his sheet of unsolved sums.

She understood the problem and asked him to wait for a minute.

He just shrugged nonchalantly and she came back after a minute, holding a bottle of some sort.

"Here," she said extending the bottle to him.

He raised and turned his head again, this time completely.

He tilted his head a little and asked, "What's that?"

"Just have it. I now you'll like it. It'll refresh you."

He shrugged and took the bottle amd drank it.

His eyes lit up the first sip he took.

He didn't stop until he drank the whole bottle. After he finished it, he asked her with surprised face and wide eyes, "Noona, What in the world is this?!"

She chuckled a little and said, "It's banana milk. Somehow I had a hunch you'd like it so I got it from the store while I was grocery shopping today."

"Ohh..." His voice trailed off.

Then the next day, Jungkook told Jimin about his love for banana milk. Since then, Jimin and Saakshi were the ones who always bought it for him.

End of Flashback~

Jungkook decided to draw/sketch/paint the scene where she she keeps her hand on his head while he's tired on the table. Like a third person perspective. How it would look to a person standing behind them.

The next day, he was casually surfing YouTube and came across his graduation Bangtan Bomb. He clicked on it and-

In the video~

"See, there he is!" (Sk)

"Yeah, I see him now.." (Jin)

Lil later~

IRL, in the video the members sit in the car cuz the hall's too crowded but here they're seeing him from the balcony. They also missed the main ceremony IRL, but here they attend it.

"Go talk to your friends.." Jin urges Jungkook.

Saakshi comes from behind and says, "He probably won't oppa. He's kinda shy. But that's okay, isn't it?"

"Yeah, it's fine, I just wanted him to enjoy the whole thing.."

"That's okay. See," she says kinda pointing at the maknae, "Look at the smile on his face oppa, he's enjoying. Don't worry about him." She said with an assuring smile.

The New Girl... |Editing|Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora