Good Memories: Jiminie

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Tae was still in Jimin's room. He had woken up after falling asleep and was now nonchalantly strolling around the room.

He came to their(JiGrace's) makeup table and opened the drawer nonchalantly.

He found Scarlett's perfume and picking it up, he removed it's cap and sprayed a little in the air.

He took in the smell again after days. Suddenly his eyes moved to Jimin.

His fingers were moving.

Tae ran to him and saw more movement.

Jimin was now moving his head side to side and Tae ran his hand through Jimin's hair to calm him down.

Jimin calmed down and slowly opened his eyes.

"T-Tae," he said softly.

"Yes Jimin-ah?"

"Please tell me it was a dream..."

Tae just closed his eyes painfully.

Jimin let out a huge sigh and tears filled his eyes.

"When is the .... the.. fu.."
He couldn't bring himself to say the word funeral.

Tae explained to him the whole situation and Jimin looked away, tears leaving his eyes.

He all the moments he had had with her now hit him like a truck.


This is in 2016, when they hadn't said I love you to each other yet.

The members knew about Jimin's huge crush on her and teased him when she wasn't around.

Tae and Yoongi were forever known as the biggest JiGrace shippers.
Tae because of the knowing look/smirk/smile he shot during JiSaak moments and the way he made efforts to get them closer.

Yoongi's was the same but there was also theory that in an interview, before Grace joined the group, the members were asked that if they had a younger sister, who would they 'introduce' her to and Yoongi's answer was Jimin. The connection was that once Grace had joined, he called her his younger sister.

They were right now on a lunch party which Grace had thrown because they had won an award.

I've roughly shown their positions while sitting at the table. Please excuse my terrible drawing.

Jimin was just looking at his crush who was smiling and some times giggling at Jin's dad jokes

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Jimin was just looking at his crush who was smiling and some times giggling at Jin's dad jokes. She smiled, laughed or giggled even if the joke wasn't funny (which never happens IRL) just to make Jin feel better.

Yoongi and Tae were watching him stare at her. Whenever she moved her eyes to Jimin he'd pretend to look at his plate, somewhere else or talk to someone.

Saakshi had a hunch but she wasn't sure if he even liked her.

Everyone was almost done with their lunch and Saakshi asked, "So do you guys wanna order anything else?"

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