2017: The saga continues(Taekook surprise)

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The maknaes except Jungkook had a plan.

They'd all tell their Namjoon and Yoongi hyung/oppa their plan.

The plan was that maknaes would say they had an outing which was planned two months ago so it couldn't be cancelled. Then they would all go to a restaurant which had a private room where they could eat with peace.

Tae was going to confess to Kookie that day. Though Jimin and Saakshi knew Kookie wouldn't say no, Tae had a feeling he would.

After the confession and dinner, Taekook and JiSaak would go on their own dates.
As for Jungkook, he won't know anything and was told by Jimin,
"Kookie, just follow and agree to what we say if you wanna have fun."

The day was here. The maknaes had left and were at the restaurant.

"Please follow me sir." Someone from the restaurant staff said gesturing them to follow her.

She led them to the private room where they were going to eat.

Jungkook was surprised at the way the dining room was decorated.
It looked somewhat like this

Jungkook thought it was for JiSaak and went and sat.

After sometime, Saakshi asked, "Champagne anyone?"

All of them agreed.

Once the champagne was served.

Jungkook looked at his glass and said, "Noona, I think this is for you."

"No, it's for you..." Tae said in a low voice, looking at his plate.


"Drink up kookie." Saakshi urged him.

He drank up and got the ring out.

"I-i don't know what to say......"

Jungkook was speechless. He liked Tae but never confessed it thinking Tae only thought of him as a friend.

Tae then turned to Jungkook, took the ring and looked straight in his eyes n said,
"Jungkook-ah, I have liked you since I don't know how long. You have always been there for me. I also tried my best to do the same."

Tae couldn't look into his eyes anymore and looked down again.

"I think of you as more than a friend. I don't know if you think the same about me or not but--"

"Taehyung-ah, I would love to be your boyfriend." Jungkook said as he took Taehyung's hands and took his chin up to look into his eyes.

"Really?"Tae was now looking at him teary-eyed.

"Yes" Jungkook gave him a warm smile.

Jimin and Saakshi smiled at each other as they had been waiting for this to happen for a very long time.

Tae then slipped the ring onto Jungkook's hand.

The moment was captured by camera.

Jungkook turned to JiSaak and siad, "Thank you. I know you people urged him to confess. If it weren't for your support, this fool would have never said this to me."

Tae giggled.

"But jokes apart, Really, Thank you."

"You don't need to thank us. We wanted you guys to get together. So we kinda just completed our own wish." Jimin said.

"Oooh! It's 7:00, Jiminie, I think we should leave. You guys enjoy. We'll see you at home. Bye!"

JiSaak left.

~Time Skip~
After they come home after the date.(Full maknae line)

Saakshi had shot a text on their group chat to come to Jin and Namjoon's room for a meeting. Her family wasn't going to be present there.

Once everyone was in the room.

"So what is it that you wanted to tell us?" Hobi asked.

"Guess who got engaged!" Jimin shouted.

Tae put up Jungkook's hand shyly. Both of them were blushing.

"Whaat?" (Jin)

"Yaaay!" (Namjoon)

"Really?" (Hobi)

"Finally!" (Yoongi)

They did a group hug and congratulated the new couple.

"Ok, so is this supposed to be hidden from your parents?"

"Istg, why do guys keep asking me that? No, you don't have to hide but you don't have to TELL them as such. Behave like you'd normally do."

I know this one was quite short but please bear with me. School hasn't been nice so I'm having a lil trouble writing.
J-Hope you understand.


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