"Hey pretty lady. Want a free popsicle?" The guy asked from behind the counter. You gave him a droll stare and pointed at Gabe.

"I'm on a date," you replied and walked away from the guy. He watched you walk and whislted as you did.

Gabe looked at you, then at the clerk and back to you. He closed his lips together and nodded a little bit before taking you by the waist and pulling you close to him.

He kissed you roughly and slid his hands down to your ass while you put your arms around his neck. After the kiss, you both parted and saw that the clerk had left you two alone.

"Damn, I love you," you say and laughed a little bit

"I know."


You were laying on the couch asleep, curled up in a blanket like a burrito. You were one your side with one arm underneath the pillow and the other hanging off the edge of the couch.

Lucifer walked into the living room from your kitchen, about to complain about how you only have cookie dough and never ice cream when he saw you fast asleep.

He thought about scaring you awake and then complaining, but he just couldn't do it. He thought you were just adorable sleeping there.

He walked over to the couch and smiled as he crouched down to the level of your head. He grabbed a blanket draped over the couch and pulled it over your sleeping body.

He gently kissed your forehead and moved a strand of your hair away from your face. "I love you, Y/N."


Just like how your first kiss happened, you were still in the river with Crowley and your lips had connected.

You both pulled away and smiled at each other. His dark eyes bored into yourself and he gently kissed you again.

"Can I ask you something, love?"

You smiled warmly at him and nodded. "Of course you can."

"Will you love me? That's all I've ever wanted," he said with his eyes slowly leaving yours and looking down at the water.

You took one of his cheeks into your hand and pulled his face back up so he could see your eyes.

"I love you, Crowley. I will always love you."


When Dean pulled that prank on you with the super glue and the dummy, you hit your head pretty dang hard. You didn't get a concussion thank goodness, but you did have a small bump on the back of your head that throbbed like a mother trucker.

Adam stood behind you while you sat down on a chair in the kitchen. He gently placed an ice pack on the back of your head and kept it there.

"Sorry bout Dean, Y/N," he said softly and kissed the top of your head.

"It's fine. It's Dean so I should have known he would have pulled something like that," you replied with a small smile.

Adam nodded and looked up at the ceiling. "But he shouldn't have done it to my girl."

"Your girl? What are we, married?" You laughed a little bit.

Adam smiled down at you. "In order for that to happen, you have to love me right?"

You looked up at him. "Yeah?"

"And I'd have to love you?"

"Where are you going with this, Adam?"

His smile widened. "I love you, Y/N. And I want to marry you some day. Some day when I can afford a ring though." Adam said with a chuckle.

You gently grabbed his hand. "And on that day, I'll say yes."


Hey guys! So....


I'll post the characters for this round, you guys vote, I'll pick the top four and go from there. The characters that aren't chosen will be in the book, but later on Lol.

Comment on the character's name please!

Here's the characters!

1.) Bobby

2.) Charlie

3.) Benny

4.) Chuck

5.) Samedrial

6.) Garth

7.) John

So please vote! I will also be starting on some Daddy Scenarios.

Comment on this paragraph if you those scenarios in a whole different book.


Comment on this paragraph if you want them in this book along with all the other preferences.

Alright! The contests end 7/8 central mountain time tomorrow, with means you guys have about 23 hours.


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