99. Far Away

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Jimin pulled Jungkook's head in his lap as he slept on the couch. No one could sleep except him and they all sat in the living room. Jimin checked the house twice and thrice to find that nothing was stolen or out of place. He still couldn't convince himself everything was just a bad coincidence. 

"You should sleep too. We will sleep outside, just in case." Mr. Park asked his son. 

Jimin shook his head. "I am not sleepy at all."

"Lie down for a few hours, Jimin. You shouldn't stress much. The engineer will be here in a few hours." Jimin's driver also tried to convince him. 

Jimin thought for some time and nodded.

Picking up Jungkook slowly, he walked into the bedroom and placed the boy on the bed. "Jimin," Jungkook squirmed. 

Jimin's driver closed the door behind them. Jimin looked back, but he knew that everything was under control now. "Yes, doll?" He leaned down and caressed Jungkook's cheeks. 

"I need you inside me, I miss sex." The boy groaned with closed eyes. 

Jimin smiled and laid beside Jungkook on the bed. He was still in his formal attire that he didn't get an opportunity to change. "I love you. Do you know that?" Jimin asked in a whisper. Jungkook didn't respond, but his brows drew closer. "I want to make love to you so bad. But I will wait for you, Jungkook."


Taehyung opened his eyes in a car that he had stopped moving before he realized that he was in an ambulance. The door opened and four men in light blue scrubs lifted his stretcher and carried it out. Just when he tried to cock his head to the side, he felt an insurmountable pain in his back and joints. His head spun and before he was carried into a white, big building, he spotted crying Namjoon along with his parents.

He couldn't understand what was happening. He couldn't recollect where he was, but he had this feeling that it was all finished now. What? He didn't know.

He closed his eyes and he could feel the men taking off his clothes and changing him into different ones, with the smell of anti-septic in them.

He couldn't sit anymore before the men tucked him under the covers. It was cold but slowly, the sheets warmed and he fell into a slumber. The whole night, he kept reminiscing in his para-sleep.

The glimpse of him and an engineer he hired to fire up the locks came into his mind first, then he saw a huge ocean and a big house. He could see the things in sequence. He was outside the house, standing in his black suit. He could feel this heart thumping as if he was scared and was about to do something really wrong. Tears started falling out of his closed eyes. He shivered as he felt the fear from before.

He was contemplating whether he should go inside the house or not. He didn't know yet why he was going into the dark house, but for some reason, he felt that if he did, he'd lose Jimin, his only friend. The boy who saved his life once.

He saw in the vision and felt that Jimin was angry at him. He didn't know why. Then he saw himself going into the house. With each step he took, he remembered things. Jungkook. He was supposed to fall in love with Jungkook, but Jimin stabbed him in the back. Jimin stole his Jumgkook from him. He was there for Jungkook, to make things even.

He was going deeper and deeper inside the house and things were becoming clearer and clearer. 

Then he felt a cold trickle slither down his spine as he stood in front of the door. In his dream, he could see himself on one side of the door and a trembling Jungkook on the other side of the door. The teenager was begging him to leave him alone, curled up in a corner.

ᴍᴏʀʙɪᴅʟʏ ɪɴғᴀᴛᴜᴀᴛᴇᴅ ☑Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora