83. Naked And Intimacy

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Jungkook woke up and realized it was the deep night with his stomach rumbling in hunger. How did he fall asleep? He was picked up from school by Jimin's driver, he stopped to buy the supplies for his project, Jimin arrived at home, cut his hair, they were supposed to watch a horror movie and eat strawberry cheesecake or was it blueberry cheesecake? It didn't matter. Then Jungkook showered together with Jimin and he fell on the bed to take a nap while Jimin asked him if he could work for some time. 

Now, it was past midnight. Jimin was nowhere in the room but just as Jungkook slowly opened the door to get out, the older's voice hit him through the gap. 

Did Jungkook really look at the time right? Who was Jimin talking to past midnight? "Jimin?" He called as he walked over to the switchboard to turn on the lights and the voices suddenly seized. "Who were you talking to?" 

"No one... Just thinking out loud," Jungkook's brows furrowed. He witnessed Jimin talking many times at night, but every time, he didn't provide a concrete answer. "Come here." The man put his arms out for Jungkook and the sleepy boy walked into them, slowly being encased as Jimin sniffed his hair and pressed soft kisses on his head.

"Mm..." The younger purred softly and hugged Jimin's torso.

Jimin sighed heavily as if calming himself in the scent. "Hungry, doll?" 

Jungkook nodded his head. "What smells so good?"

"I made a cheesecake for you."

Jungkook yawned and sat straight, rubbing behind his ear as the sleep overborne him. "Can you please give me some? I feel tired to walk to the kitchen."

"Sure, baby. Lay here, I will bring you some food and cake."

"No, just cake," Jungkook shook his head as Jimin put an AC comforter on top of his curling body on the couch.  

The man microwaved the food anyway. Putting several dishes on the tray, he brought everything to the living room and looked at a sleeping boy. "Get up, doll..." He called while placing the tray on the table and quickly woke Jungkook up before his sleep deepened. 

Jungkook grimaced at the sight of food. "Just the cake, please."

"Do you want to watch the movie?" Jimin asked, placing the comforter at the side and adjusting the temperature. 

"Now? It's one past twenty." 

"So? It's the weekend. We can sleep all day."

"But you said you will take me out for lunch tomorrow. I prepared an outfit too," Jungkook pouted in his sleepy state, short hair spiked in all directions.

"We can do dinner," suggested Jimin. 

"Okay," Jungkook reluctantly nodded. Jimin was afraid of going to sleep, and that was why he asked Jungkook to stay up with him. Although the naive boy didn't know about Jimin's condition, he still became a remedy to the sick man. 

Jungkook washed his hands and face to throw the drowsiness away before he joined Jimin for their extremely late dinner. "Why didn't you eat?" He asked as Jimin turned on the TV. 

"I didn't realize it was this late," Jimin replied nervously. 

"Eat on time, otherwise I will complain Eomoni that you are spoiling your habits and mine." 

"I think you are forgetting something. You need me and if I am dead, I won't be of use to you," Jimin teased.

Giggling, the boy continued eating. The older cleaned up after them once they were done and the younger sprawled on the couch.

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