53. Beauty, and Monster

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"Jungkook, baby. Look at me," Jimin asked softly and the boy did. Since they arrived here, Jungkook was having difficulty to look Jimin in the eye. "You will not have to ever think about that. We are one now. What's mine is yours and it will legally be yours soon."

Jungkook thought about what Jimin was saying and his heart sank in his stomach. The speed with which everything was happening was scaring him. Jimin did mention once about the marriage but Jungkook had not thought it would happen too soon. Was he even allowed to say no now? Not because he did not love Jimin, but he needed to discover his love. It was just the beginning after all. He could not stop himself to think like this.

"But Jimin, is not it too soon?" He voiced out his concern and Jimin's face twitched. He sure looked away to not let Jungkook see it and stood up so quickly that the younger felt his words angered the man. Jimin looked around frantically and spotted the small bag. He sighed as he walked towards it and quickly engulfed one tablet. 

Jungkook could not see what Jimin did with the bag and he worriedly stood up. "Jimin?" He called, his feet slowly moving towards the older who stood breathing deeply to calm his thoughts. "Jimin, are you okay? Is it something I said?" 

Jimin turned and smiled at Jungkook, putting him at ease at once. "Let's talk." He walked back to sit on the couch while Jungkook's eyes never left his face. 

"I don't know, Jimin. It seems too soon. I am just 17." Jungkook spoke even if he was scared. 

"Honey, I know," Jimin caressed Jungkook's face. "If you don't marry me, they can put me in jail for many years for kidnapping. If we have each other then we both will be fine. The spouses have the privilege, legal one. You are not the legal age but you will be when you turn 18. If we get married, you will be assured that I will hold you forever. You will be mine, officially. We can go back to your parents to even ask for their blessings."

"No, they won't bless us. They will kill me." Jungkook shook his head. Everything Jimin was saying was imprinting on the young mind. At first, he thought Jimin was manipulating him but now that he found the logic and sense in his argument, Jungkook believed Jimin. Poor kid did not know that the manipulation was done when Jimin first asked him to run away with him, let aside the intentions of the man, good or bad. He did manipulate the innocent soul. 

"That's the thing, baby. They cannot touch you. I will be your husband. They won't be your legal guardians anymore if we get married, I will be. I will have all the legal rights on you. I will protect you from everyone including your parents. This is why we are living in the hide-out now. You are a minor. If you were an adult, we would not have to hide and if we were married, we would not even have to go away from Busan." Jimin cupped Jungkook's face and leaned in to whisper everything as gently as he could. He knew his baby was afraid and it was a lot to take in for his mind.

"Can I please still think about it?" Jungkook asked.

Jimin left the face he was holding, "sure, you don't turn 18 for another one and a half months," Jimin looked down at Jungkook's hands and held them. "I would not think too much. Do you trust me, Jungkook?"

Jungkook nodded. "I am older than you. I will give you the right advice. You don't have anyone else now to look up to." 

The words set panic in the boy's heart that he was trying to hide. Jimin saw his face scrunching and he hid it behind his big palms as he began to sob softly. The man realized he did not choose the best words. "Baby, I am sorry, I did not mean it like that. Honey, please stop crying." Jimin tried to pull Jungkook's hands from his face but he kept them in place with hook or crook.

Jimin did not delay picking him up and walked into the bedroom. His head started hurting but he did not care about it for now. He lowered the boy on the bed and laid beside him. Jungkook hugged himself into the older and hiccuped. "Baby, I really didn't mean it like this. Okay, let's talk to your aunty. Do you want to talk to her?" Jimin held the boy close and kissed his head. 

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