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Hearing the pitter pattering of the rain falling  against my black boots, I stand watching the person I love, a shell of himself, his hand entwined into his mother's trying to be strong.

He doesnt notice me, I see the tears cascading down his face. Nothing i can say or do will make any of this better.

You see today is the day we say goodbye to his father. His dad died suddenly, unexpected they say.
Ryder has been distant with me ever since.

As the crowds of people disappear into the distance, I make my way over to Ryder, he still hasn't moved from his fathers graveside.

"Comeon baby, lets get you home, your family will be waiting"

"Just leave" Ryder said.

"I know your hurting, but I'm here, I'll always be here" I said softly.

"I wont tell you again Bee, just fuck off, leave me alone, I'm done with all this shit" Ryder's voice now visible louder.

"What do you mean Your DONE?! "

"This,You,Me, I'm done, we're done, I'm leaving" Ryder said whilst pointing his fingers between myself and him.

"You dont mean this, I love you, I'm here for you" I whisper.

"I love you too, I'll always love you, but I cant deal with this right now."

With that Ryder walks away, he just leaves, leaves me standing in the rain with my heart breaking piece by piece.

Love Me Now. (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now