Troy and Dean follow his gaze and saw it was fixed on boss. I looked at their expressions and god it felt good to see them so happy. I couldn't stop the smile that formed on my face.

"Welcome home guys", I said softly.

Those three brothers turned to look at me with a smile.

"This is the end of ten fucking long years boys. Go crush your father into a bear hug. God knows he needs it", Landon said smile with light tears in his eyes.

Troy chuckled tears already forming in his eyes. Dean looked so relaxed with that smile on his face. Chase was taking deep breaths grinning.

They gave a nod to Landon.

Owen and Harry gave a happy smile to those three. For some reason everybody in here was so happy for those three boys. I mean it's obvious for Harry to be happy. Owen is a good guy that's why he's smiling. Lan gets emotional very easily so yeah.

But me?.. I was surprised at myself. I felt emotional for these boys that I barely knew. I've never felt like this for strangers. God knows what's up with me.

The car stopped a few metres away from boss. Owen, Lan and I got out and smiled at Rowan. He looked at us and gave us a grateful nod and smile. I was actually caught off-guard seeing boss looking so overwhelmed.

He so deserves this happiness.

I saw Harry, Dean, Troy and Chase get out of the car too. Harry joined Owen, but kept looking at Rowan and those two unknown guys with a huge smile on his face.

Those three brothers seemed to be frozen or in a trance.

For a second we all just stood there looking at them.

"What no hug nothing? Didn't miss me at all or what?", Rowan asked jokingly.

We all smiled while those three chuckled.

"Dad!", Troy yelled happily as he runs forward to hug him.

He literally crashed into his father who didn't seem to mind at all might I add and hugged the shit out of him.

"What you two brats need invitation now?", One unknown guy who looked younger than the other rolled his eyes.

"Em!", Chase laughs as he rushed to hug him.

Ahh so he's Emmett.

"Theo!", Dean squeals like a girl on purpose as he jogged towards the eldest brother.

The guy who I now know is Theodore laughs loudly at the dramatic idiot and hugged Dean without another second of delay.

I smiled at them and turned to see Lan smiling as he wipes a tear out of his eye.

Owen hugged his father smiling clearly able to relate to what those guys must be feeling.

They didn't break the hug for a long time. It didn't seem like they wanted to anyway.

Dean hugged Emmett next with a grin on his face. Chase went and jumped on Theodore excitedly.

The elder one laughed at that but nevertheless hugged him and kissed the top of Chase's head. Em playfully punched Dean's arm and hugged him tight.

Troy never let go of his father though. I had a feeling he was finding it impossible to leave him. Rowan didn't seem to want to let go either. He rubbed Troy's back comfortingly and spoke to him in a calm soothing voice.

The next second I heard a sob coming from Troy. He had his face hidden in his father's chest so I couldn't see his face, but I don't think I wanted to.

"I missed you so much Dad! I-I thought I'll never get to see you. It's been so hard. I felt so alone", Troy cried his heart out.

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