"It's nice to meet both of you," I say trying to hold my composure when in reality the nerves in my stomach are festering at an alarming rate.

Robert stands as he offers his hand while Scott remains sitting but tosses up a hand in a wave. "Good to meet you too."

Lisa directs me to take a seat just as Chris comes walking in. "I hope you like Italian food."

"I love it. I'm really not too picky." Chris pulls my chair out for me, pushing it in as I sit. Thankfully he takes a place in the empty seat next to me.

We take a moment and say Grace before plates begin being passed around. I watch as Chris and Scott both plate hearty helpings of homemade lasagna along with risotto and a simple Italian salad. Chris notices me watching him, offers a self deprecating smile before speaking, "I'll hit the gym when I get home." That sends the table into a round of laughter.

Chris offers to dish my plate for me. "Sure, as long as it's at least half the size of your servings," I chuckle out.

He scoops one serving out of lasagna and salad, but sneaks in another spoon of risotto while I'm not paying attention.

"So, Opal, Chris tells us you own an Inn?" Robert starts the interrogation.

"Yes, sir. My Pops and I started it as a project together several years ago."

"It's really a beautiful place. Ma, you'd love it." It excites me to hear Chris speak this way of something that I helped create so many years ago.

"Maybe we can all plan a trip for the spring and stay there. What's it called again?" she asks me.

"Magnolia Inn," I answer.

Suddenly Chris snaps his fingers and pushes his chair back. "Be right back." He moves quickly to the front of the house and returns a moment later carrying a bag I saw him with at the airport. "I saw this at the airport and thought you'd like it."

"Oh, I have your Christmas gifts packed in my suitcase."

"This isn't a part of Christmas, sweetheart. Open it."

I do as I'm instructed, noticing all eyes are on me. It may only be four sets of eyes, but it still makes me feel a bit awkward. When I pull back the wrapping around the item I find a gorgeous Magnolia flower. "I thought it would look nice on the front desk at the Inn."

"I love it! Thank you so much," I kiss his cheek, still well aware I'm being watched.

"That was so sweet of you, Chris," Lisa tells her son. I notice Scott being a typical little brother, roll his eyes, and Chris kick him from under the table. I stifle a laugh as I see Scott grimace.

"Boys." Now I have to hide my mouth completely as I watch them be reprimanded.

"Yes, ma'am," they answer Lisa in unison. Chris turns his head ever so slightly towards me, giving me his signature smirk.

Dinner continues as I'm surprised that the line of questioning isn't too deep. Which let's face it, I'm thankful for. I don't exactly know how much Chris has told them about my family history or my insecurities. They let me talk about the Inn, Pops and my time at college.

I welcome the stories I hear about Chris. Even learning that he was dumped at his senior prom and woke up on the lawn of some after party he went to. "So, breaking the law before eventually enforcing it, I see."

"Something like that," he laughs out at the memory.

Lisa stands and begins clearing the table. I start to join her before she tells me to sit back down. As she goes to the sink I take the time to start stacking the dishes, cleaning the area without actually getting up.

Every New Beginning... (Chris Evans AU)Where stories live. Discover now