"That officer is a fine man. The kind of man I prayed would find you. Don't go messing it up because of your old grandpa. Your Granny would tan my hide if I let you toss it all away for me. You hear me?"

"Yes sir," I say quietly. "But, under one condition."

"Who do you think I am, Ope? This isn't up for debate."

I'm pushing my luck here, but I have to. "I will fly up to see him, after Christmas, if you agree to one more round of treatments. The new one that Dr. Wagner mentioned."

"Whatever happened to that girl that would simply say 'yes sir' and do as she's told?"

"She was raised by an ornery old man who taught her to stand up for what she wants," I toss back in response, challenging him.

"And if I say no?"

"You say no and I don't go see Chris for New Years," I state.

Pops narrows his eyes at me under his dark blue beat up ball cap. "You want to put this all on me, huh? Have Christopher upset with me? Me be the reason you don't go."

"The ball is in your court, old man." I know it's petty of me. I should let him choose on his own accord, but if I can buy myself more time with him, then that's what I am going to do.

"Sometimes I wish you were still six years old and didn't talk back to me," he sighs before sitting back against the recliner once more.


"Go buy the damn ticket, Opal. You win," he exhales.

I'm practically giddy on the inside, thankful that he'll do another round of treatments, and also that I'll be seeing Chris. Unfortunately, it's slightly short lived. "But you hear me now, and you hear me good. This is the last treatment. If it doesn't work then I want you to just let me go and let the good Lord take me when it's time. Understand?"

I stand up from the couch and move next to where he sits. I climb up in his lap like I have since I was a toddler. He wraps his arms around me, kissing the top of my head.

"Yes sir."

He shifts a bit in his seat. "Good gracious, girl. You must've been eatin good up in Atlanta. You're gonna break my legs," he teases before he starts to tickle my side. I slap a kiss to his cheek before jumping up and grabbing my purse.

"You good?"

"Yes, I'm good! Go on and get out of here. Go call that boyfriend of yours and tell him to start making plans," he says as he goes back to his game show once more.


Chris POV

"Ma, I'm serious. You can't be all lovey dovey wedding stuff when you meet Opal," I remind my mom once again as I lace up my sneakers. Opal's plane lands in a bout an hour and a half and it'll take at least thirty minutes to get to the airport.

My mother stops mixing the cake batter to look at me. "I've heard you, but I make no promises. I mean, this is the first girl you've brought home in at least twelve years."

"Thirteen actually. Not since senior prom when I was dating," I pause. "Shoot. What was her name?"

"Senior prom was Livi Mason," Scott, my brother says walking in from the backyard. "Guess she left a lasting impression on you."

I stand up, pushing the chair under the table before leaning over onto the island in the middle of the kitchen. "Well, she did dump me at prom. I guess I wasn't that heartbroken though."

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