Chapter 29: Family Drama

Start from the beginning

"Busy enough not to visit you?" I asked, feeling my protective side coming out. Erico pointed at a stack of textbooks.

"I have a ton of homework I need to get done anyways. I don't want to make Mom's stress even worse."

"You're right," I frowned, remembering that we couldn't really do anything to make Mom's stress more. "I guess I'll go alone."

"Next time," Erico shrugged, and I ruffled his hair, doing what Dad usually did. He groaned, but gave out the tiniest of smiles.


Des wanted to be my chauffer to Noctis Luna.

"You only have your permit," I pointed out to him as I was getting ready the car. 

"Don't worry, we don't really care about human laws anyways, and I love to drive you."

"Three hours long?" I asked him. Just be sure. 

"It'll get me off guard duty. I hate that." Des' honesty was enduring. I couldn't argue with that.

I shrugged, "Alright then."

Des turned on the radio to the latest pop music station. I took a nap the whole way there to Noctis Luna.

Uncle Lance and Aunt Ava weren't at Noctis Luna at the moment, but the Beta said that the twins were in somewhere. Of course when I am in town, no one wants to be here. Just my luck. Patience wasn't something that I had.

I couldn't scent my cousins, but I made my way up to West's room to grab something to keep me warm. In his bottom drawer that he never uses, I store my extra clothes there in case I ever forget about anything when I visit - usually days at a time. Like all of the Stryders, I have my own room that's basically mine, but if Noctis Luna is booming with its own guest, it's hard to be a brat and say you don't want anyone to touch your room but not your room.

Knocking, I opened his door, "Hello? West?" I called out, but no one was there. I scrunched up my nose, West's room needed some fresh air to be honest. Typical.

Opening up my bottom drawer, there wasn't any jackets I stowed away, only some pants and blouses. Past me wasn't thinking.

I looked around to see if West had an extra jacket I could wear, and saw a hoodie from his drawer that smelled cleaned. 

Soccer was printed on the hoodie.

Hmph. Finally West was a man of culture. About time, I say. The hoodie dwarfs me as I put it on, and it does not match my outfit, but it keeps me warm. I probably should have gotten a better jacket from Wyatt. 

Just as I finished putting on the jacket, the door opens. "West!" I exclaimed, putting my hands up, jumping a little, and come to a skidding halt.

A beautiful girl with large brown eyes stared daggers at me. At me. Like I was the one who wasn't supposed to be here. Which rubbed me the wrong way, and I felt my defensive side rising. She eyed my hoodie, and her eyes narrowed to slits. Jealousy? Anger?

Oh no. West was a player? Is this a common occurrence for him now?

"Sorry, but if you're looking for West, he's not here right now. Maybe you can stop by another time," I suggested, trying to be helpful. Who knew what this girl wanted, but it wasn't anything friendly towards me. Someone she didn't know. 

She looks taken aback. It felt wrong that she was looking at me like that. Her tone held out incredulity. "Excuse me? Who are you?"

I crossed my arms, immediately taking a huge disliking to this girl. "Who am I? Like I need to tell someone random stranger like you. Coming to West's room like this is a bit desperate, don't you agree?"

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