Chapter 28: Homecoming

Start from the beginning

I frowned, Dad didn't come back from where? And I really just missed Grandpa? Headmistress Clara said my parents, so that meant that she also spoke to Dad. Who I was not looking forward to seeing being disappointed in me, but then that would mean Grandpa would know too- the one I was most not wanting to figure out.

Someone like me being such a disappointment to the Stryder family. West's fights in his school didn't get him kicked out. Got you one there, cousin.

Des motioned for a car, but I stopped him. "You know, it's fine. I'll walk."

Des stared blankly at me. Again, I smiled at him, taking my suitcase alongside me, walking in my heels towards my house. The car rode behind me, slowly as not to bother me, but it was a nice comfort.

I never in my life walked from the gates to my house.

What was wrong with me?

I chuckled to myself as passed Grand Lobby, taking in the familiar building that was an integral part of growing up. The massive building that fit more like a Victorian era castle than its namesake- a lobby. Some construction was going on in the second floor where the library was, but no one was working on it.

Unusually quiet, Haven's Way typically was bustling with vampires that were training behind Grand Lobby in the large flat green space that was solely designated for Reggie to have his training grounds. At all hours of the day until nightfall. Empty.

Vampires were always seen coming in or out of Grand Lobby, but no one was there. The lights were on as it always was. Even those that liked to socialize outside were nowhere to be seen.

My home, the massive castle that held the Stryder family for generations was a sight for sore eyes. It's gray stones creating imposing towers that I loved to climb up and read books while I day dreamed jokingly about some prince coming to rescue me. When I was younger, I made West and Wyatt pretend to slay the dragon - Reggie- for me.

I sighed heavily, lugging the suitcase behind me as I assumed Des already told the guards in front of the gate to let me in because the gates were open, as was the large entrance door, as a guard held it out for me.

I was welcomed by them, saying their hellos to me which I returned. Stepping inside my home, I called out, "Hello? Mom? Erico?" It was useless to do it inside the castle unless Mom or Erico were in the the first floor. Erico was usually in his room at the third floor playing his video games. 

I left my suitcase in the front, and walked to the kitchen, where a guard stood nearby, going to eat something when I paused. Alarmed.

Sitting at my kitchen table was Lainey. 

A half glass of lemonade in front of her. Casually, like it was the most normal thing to do. My eyes had to be playing tricks on me. I pinched myself, making sure it wasn't a dream. 

Before I could say anything, Mom walked in the other side of the kitchen, stopping as she spotted me. Everything that was a problem resolved as soon as Mom rushed towards me, and I did the same to her.

"Freya!" Mom's warm eyes and comforting smile made me want to cry. In no time, she pulled me into a tight hug that almost knocked me out of breath.  She doesn't hate me. She's glad to see me. Mom pulled back, reluctantly, but she didn't let go of me. "First Lainey comes here, now you? Lainey was telling me about your vacation you guys have. I thought I would have to sneak in your school with Erico to see you soon." Mom glanced at Lainey, realizing that her mom was the headmistress. 

"That's fine, Mrs. Stryder," Lainey smiled. It was all fake. It was all wrong. We were not friends.

"Your friend was telling me how she was worried about you," Mom smiled. Unknowingly. Lainey was the last thing of a friend.

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