Don't you think

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Tae stared at his books. Not wanting to study anymore. He looked at his watch and sighed. Jimin didn't come today. He said he have fever. Tae pouted and got up from his seat. He was currently sitting in library. He packed up his all things and went out if the library.

Getting all the stress of the final exams. All along Jungkooks statement was in his head till now. It's been two days after their dinner. Taehyung can't help but think about the things he shouldn't think right now. He went to small cafe near their college and ordered two big pastries.

He eats a lot when he is stressed or when he is confused about something.
Eating silently. He saw someone sitting front of him. And it was his long time crush. Who he had a crush 4 years ago.
Or maybe we can say he liked his face because his behavior and actions scream crime.

"Hey remember me?"

"Stop the fuck up. And leave me the fuck alone bitch."

He said as he ate the last bite of his first pastry. Being all frustrated he packed his second pastry and about to get up but the boy in front him held his hand.

"I know you like me. We can date. I have changed the past few months. I know we will work out."

"Who the fuck said I like you? Get of my face. I never liked a bastard like you."

Tae said as he yanked the boys hand and went to the counter to pay for his bill.
But the boy wasn't having it. He went behind him again held his shoulders.

"Don't touch me. You bitch do you want me to call the police?"

"Hey I'm being calm doesn't mean I will tolerate your this words or cruses. Im park bogum get that in your head. I will get what I want. And Now I want you. So be happy that Im not forcing you into things. I bet we will meet again. For now I'm letting you go."

Taehyung stared at bogums figure. Who went out of the Cafe.

He is Park bogum. The park bogum was a bad boy. He bullied so many students in their school.Actually he never cared about Taehyung in the first place. And Taehyung, he was fooled by parkbogum. Bogum showed that he is a very
good person infront tae. Fooling him. But later tae found out his crush was not what he always thought.

And now the park bogum wants him.

There was no relationship between them but now park wants Kim he will get it by hook or by cook. Taehyung really don't care what or how the park bogum says or does something to him. He knows he will surely will do nothing but will only threaten him.

He went out of the Cafe. That's when he saw jin and jungkook fighting or arguing??

Tae's pov

Why they look like arguing is something happening or happend?

I slowly went towards them. They probably didn't notice me. 😕
I asked them.

"Hey guys what happened why are you both look like fighting?"

Jk's pov

Fuck no. Why is he here today? Doesn't he have college? God please make jin hyung mouth shut. Or he will embarrass me.

"No we were just talking about things"

"No we were talking about you Taehyung"

There we go. I closed my eyes. I know he will tell tae everything.

"What do you guys were talking about me?"

"It's just how jungkook thinks you are still a kid. And you should probably focus-"

Arrange Marriage Taekook ffNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ