Oikawa settles on the couch while Iwaizumi brings over some blankets and popcorn. "Alright, what do you want to start with?" He passes Oikawa a blanket and sets the popcorn on the coffee table. Oikawa smirks as he takes a handful of popcorn.

"Well, since you said something very offensive and hurtful," Iwaizumi narrows his eyes while Oikawa holds back a giggle, "I think I should have full control on everything we watch tonight." Iwaizumi groans. He wants to object but Oikawa had a point. Still,

"That's a low card to play."

"What, I wasn't the one who said 'I'm not a fucking fag tha-'"

"Ok, ok I get it. I'm sorry, okay I said sorry!" Iwaizumi protests.

"You did, but still..." Iwaizumi groans and pouts a little.

"Fine...buț the movies better be good ones." Oikawa grins at his victory and starts scrolling through Netflix, trying to find a good one.

He finally chooses a movie called Planet 51, a movie Iwaizumi has never heard of. Oikawa grins as he hit play, boy was he in for a treat.

The movie begins and Oikawa snuggles into the couch while Iwaizumi brings the popcorn into his lap so they could have more access. Every time their hands brushed Oikawa remembered the way Iwaizumi held his hand. The warmth, the way his heart started beating faster. He was in way too deep.


By the fourth movie, Oikawa was falling asleep. Iwaizumi was also pretty tired but the fourth movie was finally a Godzilla movie so he was awake enough to at least finish the movie.

Oikawa sways as he starts to fade, falling over on the couch, his head landing on Iwaizumi's lap as he starts to fall asleep.

"Tch, Shittykawa," Iwa mutters above him. Though after that he did something Oikawa never expected. He reached down and threaded his fingers in Oikawa's silky hair, massaging his head lightly. Oikawa was shocked but too tired to really acknowledge what was happening. He just hums and lets himself fade into a peaceful sleep.

"Fuck..." He hears Iwaizumi say with a sigh before sleep took over.



The group was on their way to practice from school, Bokuto driving them like usual. It was a normal day really. Suga was a little more tired than usual but that's because he stayed up until 3 AM talking to Daichi. When Suga told them both he and Oikawa laughed, teasing him the rest of the day.

In fact, Oikawa was still doing it, teasing Suga in the back of Bokuto's car while Akaashi was in the passenger seat, staring out the window with Bokuto's hand on his thigh, feeling a little worried. Akaashi was a lot quieter on the drive than usual. He had a lot on his mind though. He had something he had to do at the rink today. Something that was long overdue.

"Thanks for the ride again Bo!" Suga calls as he climbs out of the car after Oikawa. Bokuto waves, telling them to have fun. Akaashi goes to follow but Bokuto stops him.

"Hey," Akaashi turns to look at him confused. "Are you okay? You've been a lot quieter than usual." Akaashi just smiles and shakes his head.

"I'm fine Kou, don't worry." Bokuto looks at him unconvinced but lets it go, mainly because Akaashi has to get to practice. Akaashi kisses him goodbye before joining his friends and heading inside where the hockey team was already waiting.


"Hey, the gay fags are here!" Ichiro announces loudly as they exited the locker room. Oikawa just rolls his eyes, heading to the ice but Ichiro steps in front, blocking their path. "Now now, is that how you greet someone properly?" Oikawa just glares, him and Akaashi standing in front of Suga who was still a little sensitive from yesterday. Oikawa glares and crosses his arms. "Going to ignore me huh."

"Saying gay fag is just saying gay twice. Like why say both. What's the point?" Oikawa muses which definitely hits a nerve with Ichiro who didn't like to be corrected.

"Listen here you little shit. You may have turned Iwaizumi to the dark side, making him gay or whatever but that shit won't work on me. You are gross and don't even deserve to be here. It's pathetic." His insults are weak and doo not affect Oikawa in the slightest.

"Get out of my way, I'm bored of this" Oikawa says tiredly but Ichiro blocks him again.

"Hey, I'm not done with you fag-"

"You know Ichiro..." Akaashi finally speaks with a smirk on his face, drawing his attention away from Oikawa which lets him and Suga slip past. "You have been harassing us and insulting us about being gay for months. Pretty much ever since we've been here and yet you don't hurt our feelings in any way. If anything, all you do is make me think you are some insecure gay little princess who is trying to make it very apparent he's straight, failing horribly I might add." Shock flickers in Ichiros eyes before being replaced with anger.

"What the fuck did you just call me!" Ichiro goes to grab Akaashi's shirt but Akaashi expected that. He quickly grabs the boy's wrist, moving him away and then slamming him against the wall. Ichiro's eyes widen with shock as Akaashi pins him to the wall.

"I called you gay Ichiro," Akaashi whispers in his ear, bringing himself as close to Ichiro as he could. It made him slightly uncomfortable but the stunned expression on Ichiro's face, along with the blush coating his cheeks was 100% worth it. "Just admit it, honestly the people who deny being gay the most, are really just trying to convince themselves they aren't cuz they are insecure and scared." Akaashi's eyes lower, looking at Ichiro like he was nothing. Ichiro just gulps still too stunned to speak and Akaashi takes full advantage of that. "Let's be honest right now because you're not slick." His voice was low, seductive, and quiet so only Ichiro could hear what he was saying. "If I kissed you right now you would love it. Your eyes tell me how fucking turned on you are right now. It's pathetic and commenting on Suga's weight? He told me what you said and honestly, I can't tell if you're just jealous or attracted to him too, either way, all of this is just so sad and pitiful. So why don't you just shut the hell up for once in your sad little life and do some self-reflecting? You clearly need it." Akaashi finally steps back, patting him on the cheek and smirking before walking to the ice to join his friends.

Ichiro was stunned and didn't even move from his spot on the wall. All he could do was stand there, eyes wide and face read as he replayed Akaashi's words in his head.

What the actual fuck had just happened...


Hehe yay. I very much enjoyed writing Akaashi's part in this chapter

Uhh anyway hope you enjoyed

Do you guys want to see anything specific in this book? Minus couples meeting and getting together.

Also go follow my insta for sneak peeks at new stories and updates on my posting schedule  kirithetheory 😁

1879 words

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