"Yeah, yeah, okay mom," she replied, waving her away.


"Bunny." She said back, her mocking tone returning.

Lav rolled her eyes, on the verge of finding this conversation humorous and annoying. She sighed before sitting down in Jinx's desk chair, propping her feet up and turning on their shared record player. Rock music began to echo through the hideout. Lav felt herself relax with the music, humming along as she tilted her head back.

She listened to Jinx murmur to herself as she tried to figure out whatever that stone did. She looked at the syringes on the desk, what singed had said ringing in her ears. "I deserve to know," Lav whispered to herself, the rock music casing her voice as she sat there in deep thought.

"And this turns it on." She heard noises coming from where Jinx was sitting, paying them no mind, too lost in her thoughts. "So here goes."

Lav suddenly felt the chair beneath her shake as a loud explosion-like sound came from the contraption before her. Jinx fell back slightly, keeping herself on the ground, holding her head in her hands as she watched the blue orb spin. Visions from that day flashed through her mind, the guilt of what happened hitting her over and over again as she saw Mylo and Claggors' faces get buried under the rubble.

Suddenly, the orb stopped, and slowly, everything returned to normal.

Jinx panted, staying on the ground before crying out. "No! It was a mistake! It was a mistake! " Lav jumped from her chair, swiftly making her way over to the girl.

"Hey, I know. It's okay." She soothed the girl as she kneeled beside her, taking her hands away from her face in fear that she might hit herself on accident.

"No," she cried out weakly, "It was a mistake." She continued to mutter incoherent words under her breath as Lav held her, making sure not to put too much pressure on her and startle her.

"Jinx, come back to me. You're not there, you're here with me. "

Shakely jinx raised her eyes to the woman in front of her. "Lav?" She asked, her once foggy eyes becoming somewhat clearer.

"Yeah, it's me," Lav replied, holding her closer, her small form melting against her touch.

They sat like that for however long Jinx needed. Lav began to rock her slightly back and forth, making sure the girl knew she wasn't alone. But she didn't dare ask what jinx saw.

They had somewhat of a nonverbal agreement; Lav didn't ask Jinx about the voices in her head, and Jinx didn't ask Lav about the nightmares in her dreams. Not until they were both ready.

Lav gently ran her fingers through her scalp, her hand getting slightly tangled in her hair. "Jinx," She started, "can you hear me?" Lav felt the girl nod slightly against her, and she took that as an okay to continue. "Are you here with me?"

The girl paused before whispering, "I'm here, bunny."

Lav lifted herself off of the floor before she took Jinx's hands, leading her over to the couch. Gently, Lav placed her down on the sofa, turning jinx slightly to face the opposite direction as she crossed her legs, her back facing towards her.

Lav slowly took Jinx's hair clips out before gently unbraiding her long blue hair. Jinx shivered against her fingertips.

"Are you cold?"

Jinx just nodded. "I've always told you the lanes were cold. Your hands are always freezing." Lav said, smiling slightly. She finished the second braid before letting all of Jinx's hair down, her powder blue hair cascading all around them and over her shoulders. Lav reached out for the discarded comb on the coffee table; it had pink and blue crayon scribbles all over it. Taking a section of Jinx's soft hair, she began combing through it, taking her time on each piece, making sure to detangle it before moving on to the next.

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