Chapter forty: Way back Home

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The days went by quite fast. It's been a month since the Oni invasion of Ninjago, and since then there have been no summons or trobules, just calm. Ninja and knights get along wonderfully, but the longing for Knighton could be seen in the eyes of the knights at times. That was the problem, I didn't know how to bring them back home, the portal opened in the sky, and in Knighton it was enchanted in a cave.

 Right now, I was sitting with Zane, who reading a book under a tree, watching the teams play volleyball with each other. After about fifteen minutes they finished playing and walked over to us. They sat, panting on the grass in the shade of a tree, Zane handed them a picnic basket in which there were bottles of water.

"It was fun!- Aaron said.

"Yes, and we won.- Kai said with a triumphant smile and high-five to Cole.

- We would have won with you, but someone was very distracted.- Clay said, looking at Lance.

- What? I didn't want my hair to get damaged.- he defended himself.

Aaron, Macy, and Clay shook their heads at him in derision. I shook my head at them, smiling.

-Hey, aren't you surprised, we didn't get any summons in a month?

Jay shrugged. - Meh. Probably after the battle with Oni, evil decided to take a break?

Macy muttered. - I wonder what's up in Knightonia.

Aaron shrugged.-I don't think there's anything wrong in a month. Merlok is in mech's body and can summon powers, so sure it's fine.

Clay nodded. -Ah...don't you guys miss home?

The knights sighed dejectedly. 

-A little.- Macy said.

I looked at them sadly. -I don't know what to do with the portal, it activated in the sky and in Knighton it is enchanted in a cave ... Maybe I'll talk to Master Wu about it.- I said, standing up.

Aaron smiled. -Good idea ... Wait! If we manage to come back then ... are you coming back with us?

I stopped, as the knights looked at me expectantly.

-I ... I don't know.- I said walking towards the monastery.

After ten minutes of climbing the stairs, I entered the monastery. With a slow pace, I walked over to the sliding door, the Master's room, and knocked before walking in.

- Ah (Y/N), what do you need?- Master asked, opening his eyes from the meditation and looking at me.

-Hello Master, I would like to talk to you about something important.- I said, sitting down across from him.

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