Chapter seven

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- Do I just see... -I began, pointing a finger hesitantly at the hologram.

- Hologram of the wizard, who just welcomed us? - Saber finished.

-Yes. (Y/N), Saber meet Merlok 2.0, Ava and Robin.- introduced Clay.

-B-but how? 

- Well, I used to be a flesh-and-blood wizard for the Knighton, but during Jestro's graduation from the Royal Academy by his performance. He turned off the power across the realm and went to my library and freed the Book of Monsters. Clay fought the freed monsters, but couldn't. I saved him with my spell by destroying myself, but I penetrated the system during the blast, and then Ava and Robin found me.- explained wizard.

-Wow this is.... AWESOME!!- we shouted excitedly.

- This is. Now. (Y/N) and her lion stay here and help us fight Jestro.- Macy announced.

Me and Saber looked at each other uncertainly. - Stay? With you? Are you sure? 

- Of course, why not?- asked Axl.

- Because you've just met us, is it okay that we'll suddenly stay here?- I questioned, uncertainly.

-You're right, but I know you are a trustworthy person and lion.- Clay said putting his hand on my shoulder.

- Wow, what's a super knight? You easily distrust strangers, are you really our leader? -Lance asked mockingly.

- Shut up, Lance!

At first they argued a little, but then they started to struggle.

- Wow, take it easy! Don't listen to him (Y/N). Lance always likes to argue with Clay just to piss him off.- Aaron said, floating beside us on his shield, I smiled.

- I know how it is. My friend, Jay also likes to annoy us with his jokes at the wrong time.

- But let's not talk about the fact that we like to take revenge for such things.- said Saber darkly, and I smiled mysteriously, which made everyone laugh nervously.

- Okay, while you're staying, I'll tell the squirebots to get you a room.- said Robin.

-Squire... what?

It turned out that all those squirebots are little robots that help the inhabitants of Fortrex. Only two of them stand out: Chef Eclair is the chef and prepares the food for the locals and Deniss, Lance Richmond's personal robot. The robots prepared a room for us and left us to settle in. I grabbed all my stuff from my desk bag while Saber lay down on the bed, sighing.

- Comfortable...What now?

- We will help the knights in the fight against this Jestro and the cloud.

- What about searching for Aya?

- I don't know...maybe after all this.

- Right. I wonder what about the others?

- Yes, for sure when we come back we'll be hit in the head for sure.

- Fact.

- You think? it possible to resurrect Garmadon?- Saber asked.

- I have no fact, I have seen many more.

- Yes...And how are you holding up? I mean, how do you feel after arguing with Lloyd?

"I feel... hurt and betrayed, I know he said it in emotion, but... it still hurts.

"You know ... I wouldn't be surprised if the princess was the leader of the Sons of Garmadon and approached Lloyd to break your friendship and use him to awaken Garmadon somehow.

I snorted and shook my head at the statement.

- You know, what not to say here conspiracy theory, let's focus on today.

- You know?! It's a pretty good theory, if I'm right,  I'll tell you loud and clear "I told you so"!

- Okay enough. I am tired, I want to rest.

- ...On that I agree.

Ending the quarrels, I went to bed next to the lion and covered myself with an incredibly cozy gray blanket. I thought about, how Clay's hand and mine glowed gold. I was consumed by the darkness.

Clay's POV

During my evening training, one thought haunted me. Merlok appeared on the screen.

- Ah Clay! Why don't you celebrate the victory with your friends?

- I don't know Merlok, something strange is happening to me. When the cloud animated the monument and I was touching it, I feel strange.

-Oh let me see.- he said, when the aura enlightened me.

- Oh, that's disturbing.

"What's going on?

 - It's a very high dark magic score, disturbing, I need to take a closer look at it.

- I believe you will, my friend.

-Of course, but for now please don't tell anyone else about it.

-Of course. Ah Merlok?

- Yes, Clay?

- Because there's one more thing. Because when I and (Y/N) shook hands, our hands glowed with a golden light.

"Oh, that's very strange, I'll take a look at that too, but now go rest.

- Of course.

He disappeared and I walked towards my room.

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