Chapter one

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A year has passed after Master Wu disappeared in the Iron Fatum along with the Time Twins, causing a group of seven brave ninja to split up. One of them is me, the (Y/N) yellow ninja. One of the saviors of the land of Ninjago. Master Wu's disappearance has moved me, but not only that. You see my other master, Aya one day disappeared to no one knows where, without telling me anything.

Who is Aya, you ask? She was a Master of Magic and Healing, she saved me when I was hiding from the Digital Overlord. During our clash on the Dark Island, he mistook me for her, because we look alike even though she is 10 years older than me. She told me that she and he were mortal enemies because he killed her brother, but that's a topic for another conversation. After that we met more and more often in the field by the rice crop and there she taught me a lot of fighting techniques and about my power.

- (Y/N), are you okay?-a voice asked and I turned towards it.

It was Saber, my lion. He is a lion with a gorgeous snow-white coat, a lush brown mane, and unusual emerald-green eyes that look at me with curiosity. He and I have been friends since I rescued him from the hands of poachers. He has the ability to speak because Aya used some sort of spell so we could talk to each other.


-Yes, Saber. It's fine, I was just thinking about something.

He looked at me suspiciously, then shook his head.

-Well, nevermind. I got a signal from Pixal that we were to meet the others at the Borg tower because some mysterious mask was stolen.

I nodded, walked over to the weapons cabinet and reached for my sword.

I nodded, walked over to the weapons cabinet and reached for my sword

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

- Let's not waste time, let's move!

He nodded and we ran out the door.

=Skipping time=

We got to the top floor of the Borg tower and we headed towards the sliding doors where we could see the familiar six silhouettes.

Lloyd POV

I opened the door and my friends appeared to my eyes.

Ninjago: Missing Siblings (1)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum