Chapter eighteen

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We ran through countless corridors when I felt more and more fear. I am afraid of the caves here, you never know how long the corridors are or whether they may collapse at any moment. Axl was calling after his parents all the time, and I could have sworn I heard the rocks slide down. I started shaking with fear and gasping.

- Are you okay (Y/N)? -Clay asked, looking at me anxiously.

- What? Yes, yes, I'm always alright... why are you asking? -I asked, my voice breaking slightly.

- Because you can see, that you are standing slightly and breathing hard. -he replied, raising an eyebrow.

- Are you afraid of caves?- Lance asked, lightly sneering.

- Pshh please, I am not afraid. I am a ninja. - I replied with mock confidence.

Everyone just raised an eyebrow at me. I sighed defeated.

- You're right... I'm scared... I'm as hell scared! That the corridors are about to collapse and we'll never get out, or we'll wander to our imminent death! -I panicked.

- Relax (Y/N) nothing will happen. We'll leave here. We've been in worse situations.- Macy said.

I took a deep breath and agreed. We moved on and Axl kept calling after his parents. We stopped at the forks.

- Do you also feel that we are in a circle?- Aaron asked, floating on the shield.

- All the time. Whether I am a knight or a princess and so on.-  Macy said.

"Macy, Aaron meant the cave, not life, and... wait, who are you?- I replied asking at the same time.

- Yes, she is a princess. You did not know?- Lance asked.

- Not. This is... surprising. -I said.

I know how we can find ourselves.- Axl said, pulling out his guitar and starting to play it in one of the corridors and leading us. Moments later, we ran into Jestro.

- Let me guess. Are you here to stop me from freeing the Three Brothers? -the jester asked.

We looked at each other.

- Um, sorry who?- Clay asked confused.

- Haven't you heard of the three brothers? Amazing granite golems ?! Indestructible warriors like them!- he shouted and from the next corridor came a vehicle with a face and drove straight into Axl pushing him against the wall. 

Clay tried to help him but couldn't over his stone arm. The vehicle turned and ran into the blue knight knocking him to the ground. The creature turned again to ram it, but Aaron managed to move it away. This thing was hovering around us as it rode towards me. I smiled and avoided him like Toreador.

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