Chapter twenty-four

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3rd person POV

After all the action with the attack on Merlok's library, all the inhabitants of the kingdom were in a gloomy mood or sad. Physical condition (Y/N) improved, but her mental state was killing her. She looked pale and all the time she was sitting in the room staring blankly into space. Saber began to worry about his friend. He decided to talk to the knights who happened to be in the command center and watched the crying TV presenter.

"Hey guys ... are you guys feeling depressed too?- asked the lion entering.

They turned to face the lion in confusion.

- Not./ I'm fine./ Maybe./ Why are you asking? -They gave different answers.

- Because ... (Y/N) looks like she's deeply depressed. She is sitting on the bed all the time, pale as a wall, looking blankly into space. I don't know what's happening to her. - admitted the lion.

- How is that? -Macy asked.

Saber just shrugged, sighing.

- Why is everyone so depressed. We have overcome the cloud, Merlok is with us and we have survived. -Aaron said to everyone.

- Maybe they finally understood that life is endless pain.- Ava said.

"Aaron's right you need to change the negative attitude of the kingdom... and (Y/N) too. -Macy said.

- Please do something ... -Saber begged, going to the room, where the yellow ninja was.

They all looked at each other with concern.

- Hmm, what would you do to bring them back to joy?- Axl asked.

"We need something like... -Macy began.

"Party!- Lance called.

= Skip time =

The king agreed to organize a party for all of his subjects to the satisfaction of the knights but ... it was a party to honor Clay for saving the queen and the problem was that Clay was a statue and he couldn't be there. 

Aaron then had the idea to paint a petrified teammate and remotely control his armor so it looked like Clay was alive. The Knights were practicing on Clay (A / N: I know, I know it sounds weird, but I have no other expression how to put it.) when Saber approached them with his head bowed.

-Hey, Saber, how is Buttercup? -Aaron asked.

He just looked at him sadly.

"No change, she ... said we shouldn't leave Ninjago, we won't find Aya and it's all pointless ... like she lost her fire.- said the lion.

- What's new?- he asked, as Lance delivered the speech for Clay through the microphone.

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