Chapter thirty-two

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The conductive wind was getting faster and it was hard to keep up with. The temperature in the mountains didn't help either, it was cold. The dragon began to slowly fade away as I was losing strength. I gasped and glanced surreptitiously at Pythor.

- We have to land, I'm losing my strength. Soon the dragon will disappear and we will fall to the ground.

Pythor looked ahead and his eyes sparkled.

- Look there! The wind landed on the mountain ledge. - He said pointing his hand in front of him.

I looked in that direction and smiled under the hood. I flew there quickly and cancelled the dragon upon landing. I landed flawlessly and Pythor fell on his face. I giggled at the snake which made him growled as he got up. I looked at the rock wall and raised an eyebrow. The wind circled us, then dispersed and disappeared. We looked at each other questioningly.

"Okay... what now ninja?- Pythor asked.

I studied the rock wall and my eyes fell on the small, etched inscriptions. I stepped closer, dusted off the dust with my hand, and studied the inscriptions.

- See, there are some inscriptions here.

The snake crawled up to me and looked at the inscriptions. He hummed, wondering.

- It's a different language. Not Ninjagian and not Serpentine.

I hummed thinking. A lamp came on in my head.

- Maybe Merlok can handle it.- I said, turning on the communicator.

- Merlok! Nexo Knights!

I heard gasping and sighing with relief.

- (Y/N)! Finally! What's going on?! -Saber asked on the comm.

- Im alright. But I have a problem. I am high in the mountains and I stand in front of a rock wall with inscriptions in a different language. Merlok, could you translate that? -I asked.

- I could try.

"Great, listen carefully. - I said and started giving him the words.

For a moment there was silence, until Merlok sighed.

- What is clear in the world is hard to find. But good will come when the master awakens. Beware because the power is too powerful for ordinary mortals. Only a person who is blessed by the light has access to the Temple of Peace. Only he can tame the great, mighty beast that guards the place of peace. And when that happens, the destined will be confronted by the master.

Me and Pythor stood in silence, anxious. Pythor swallowed.

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