Chapter three

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Two weeks have passed since the incident with the palace, Harumi has been with us for that time. Somehow, she was with Lloyd almost all the time, honestly, it gets a little on my nerves. Saber says I'm jealous of her, so I deny how can I be jealous of my friend? Cole returned from an action with the Sons of Garmadon with the baby. Nobody had a clue what the gang wanted the kid for, but it was said to be the key to the third them mask. We're still trying to track down Zane's signal after he pretended to be one of the gang members, but so far nothing.

I've found him! - Kai shouted.

We slid down the ropes towards the nindroid and it wasn't looking very well.

- Zane! Zane, can you hear me?! - Lloyd asked anxiously.

What did they do to him?-  Nya asked.

"Something bad. -  I said, panicked.

"Well, that's for sure. -  said Lloyd, looking at me like (no kidding), I looked back with a raised eyebrow .- Pixal, lower the stretcher! Zane is in bad shape! - He ordered.

She lowered the stretcher, we picked up our friend and put him there.

- Fine. Pixal, slowly up!

= Time skip =

Pixal informed us that Zane was not doing very well and it would take a while to wake up.

At that time, I decided to sit with him and wait for his return. After a while, Nya entered the room

- (Y/N) Smith! Please, you are not Pixal! You don't have to sit with Zane 24 hours a day.

- (Y/N) Smith, huh? Ehhh, I'm fine, I can sit next to him. -I stated, without looking at her, it did not convince her and she sat down next to me.

- What's the problem?- Nya asked.

- I'm fine. I'm just worried, that's all. -  I said, Nya sighed and stood up.

- Okay, but don't worry. Pixal will save him. And Jesus, come outside please.

- Argh okay.

I went outside and saw guess who? Lloyd and Princess Harumi. They're too close to each other for my taste, and wait a minute ... she leans in to kiss him. WHAT THE HELL!!? I quickly disappeared, without looking in their direction, and I will talk to him later.

= Some time later =

I was pissed at Lloyd and the pseudo princess. Lloyd broke the rules of the ninja assignment, he once told me himself that we cannot be close to civilians. We are supposed to protect them and only protect them. They were all in the command center, so I decided to speak to him.

"What are you doing ?!-  I asked, everyone stopped doing anything and looked at us.

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