Chapter twenty-six

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- The kingdom's western frontier... most likely Clay landed there. - Ava informed by writing, as we watched.

- We have prepared many models of his flight trajectory after the explosion, and they all indicate that he landed on Nothing Hill.- Robin said.

- Never heard of that.- Lance said with a shrug.

- Oh yes. Nothing Hill was once the Big Hill, but they were so poor, that they had to sell their hill. This is the poorest city in the kingdom. -the boy of the white knight enlightened.

- If Clay's in there, we've got to get there. - Aaron said, hitting the desk.

"There are two ways, the question is which is the faster.- Ava said.

I sighed. - We'll both go. 

- (Y/N), can I go with you? -Saber asked, who was following us.

I stopped and looked at my companion, who was looking at me hopefully. I looked at the others and they shrugged and looked at the lion.

- Okay, come on. - I said, he smiled and we escaped from Fortrex.

Axl, me and Aaron went one way and Macy and Lance the other.

= Skip time =

We covered the route leading through the dry forest... what to expect from the desert, but smaller. Me and Saber were flying on a dragon, above Aaron and Axl until our eyes fell on a cow that was... sitting in a tree. We stopped suddenly and looked at her in amazement.

- Wow, you rarely see things like this.- Aaron commented with a chuckle.

"Hmm, on my site, cows only jump on trees, when someone scares them.- Axl said.

"But what could scare this poor creature so much?- I asked, sharing my gaze with Saber.

- I have no idea. -Axl replied.

I looked away from the creature and looked around. A group of monsters caught my eye... Jestro, of course.

"Aaron... monsters closer than further. - I said.


The lion sighed.

- Oh, brother ... she means that monsters are close, for example...there.- Saber said, pointing his paw at that spot.

- I see! Good eye, Buttercup! -said Aaron cheerfully with a broad smile, making me blush slightly under my mask.

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