Chapter thirty-nine

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3rd person POV

When a group of ninja and knights arrive at the monastery, they are greeted by Wu and Misako, but then notice the expressions on the faces of the groups.

- What's wrong?- Wu asked.

"It's Cole he... he.- Nya began.

- He's gone. He fell into that cloud of darkness.- Jay said.

"What about the Realm Crystal?- Master ask.

"We destroyed it, but it didn't help.- said (Y/N).

- What are we going to do now? - Misako asks, worried.

Garmadon walks over to Wu and Misako. -Luckily, you still have me.

The woman gasped. - Garmadon?

- Misako. Old, me would say something hearty. Unfortunately that man is no more. Wu, wipe that sad expression off your face and do something about it. -Garmadon said, throwing gold armor to Wu.

-It's the Overlord's golden armor.- Wu gasped.

"If we melt it, we can forge spinjitzu weapons and we'll have a chance.- Nya said.

- Get the forge ready.- Wu says.

"I think I'd better get down to it,  huh?- Kai said.

- Kai, you are the Master of Fire. You can do that. - says (Y/N), as Kai looks at her.

- Yes, what's so hard about it anyway? - said Kai, going to the forge and the others follow him.

= Skip time =

After watching Kai forge golden weapons, Clay looked at (Y/N).

- And how is that supposed to help us?

- Golden Weapons contain the power of the element, and from what Garmadon said, Oni are afraid of Golden Weapons, so it may give us some chance. - says (Y/N).

- How about nexo powers? Can help it too? -asked Axl.

(Y/N) shrugged. - I don't know. 

- Well... nothing is impossible, right ?- Aaron said.

Macy nodded,  agreeing with him.

- After all, we don't need Merlok anymore to get nexo powers. We have Clay.- Lance said.

Suddenly they heard the bells.

-Darkness.- said Saber, as they all left the monastery.

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