Chapter thirty-three: ,, Battle for Knighton''

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3rd person POV

The Knights tried unsuccessfully to stop the marching, destructive Stone Colossus. Unfortunately, the monster destroyed the last city on the way to the capital, Knighton. The knights stopped in the road and watched with concern the Colossus.

"I guess that's... it's over.- Aaron said.

Suddenly Merlok's voice sounded in the communicators.

- Nexo Knights! You must retreat to Knightonia and appear in the library. Our new plan to defeat the giant is the last resort!

The heroes nodded to each other and headed for the capital.

= Skip time =

The Knights finally showed up at the library where Clay, Saber, Ava and Robin were waiting for them doing the final revisions to the design.

- Failed to! What are we going to do now?!- Aaron asked, as he walked over to them with the others.

" Relax, We've always got a plan B.- said Saber.

Ava nodded and looked at Clay. - All cables connected?

- That's right.- Clay said with a smirk.

- Here we go! -she said by activating a function on the tablet, that transfers the wizard from Fortrex to the library.

They all stood silently praying for it to work.

- Wizard? Are you with us? -Ava asked, after a long silence.

The knights looked at each other confused. Clay, Saber, Ava and Robin all looked at the floor, sadly, as Merlok suddenly appeared on the small screen. Everyone sighed with relief and broad smiles.

"Er ... but why is Merlok here and not in Fortrex?- Aaron asked.

"Because that's what our very secret plan implies!- said Robin.

- And what about this... why don't you tell us what it is?- Lance asked.

- Or better! I'll show you! -said boy, and his chair began to spin around, going up and down.

The knights looked at this confusedly. Clay walked over to Ava.

- Whatever you planned, do it now. -he said as his hand began to glow with a very intense blue light that made him wince in pain.

Macy and the others gasped. - Merlok, what's the matter with him?!

"It's his powerful magic that circulates in his body and changes him. - he said, watching the boy.

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