Eric and Steve gasp looking at boss. I chuckled along with others making those two playfully glare at me.

"Okay so for those who have no idea what this is about, we captured a high rank italian member yesterday and after a particular session with me we have successfully managed to find out some really useful information", Boss smiled satisfied.

There were some happy cheers heard from the crowd.

"So we've made a plan and I assure you that if this goes as we have decided then tomorrow you all are going to be a part of my very own American mafia", Rowan smirked.

Now there were many cheers and claps heard including mine.

"You all know how my family's generations old owned mafia was taken away from me. So now its time we get it back and for that I need all your help. Are you guys with me?", Rowan asked loudly.

"Yeah!", We all yell together.

Rowan smiled gratefully.

"So here's how it goes. Owen has divided you all into groups. Each group will be headed by one of the higher ranked officers. One will be headed by me. Owen will tell you about the teams at the end of this meet", Rowan announced.

We all nod in understanding.

"Next I wanted to tell you what we found out. As we all know the Italian Don uses the American mafia for mainly shipping, manufacturing and lodging over here since he gets a lot of business in this place. Their main dealings and highly classified meetings and stuff happen only in Italy as that's been their original base for decades. So over the years they have been lessening and lessening their security over to this base as not many members stay here and also the fact that their Don doesn't often come here", Rowan explained.

We all paid attention to everything he said.

"So the lead that we have received is that tomorrow there is going to be a huge consignment deal getting signed in Italy and they have orders to have tight security there which means not many men are going to be assigned at this base. To be sure I've asked our men who are spying on them to check this particular lead as I didn't want to take any risk. They have confirmed the lead saying they have spotted lines of cars filled with men leaving the base. So now we hit when they're weak and least expecting it", Rowan smirked evilly.

I could just imagine how happy and content he must be after getting this information.

The gang members could be seen sharing the same smirk as their boss.

"We will obviously scan the place first and then you all will infiltrate into the base from your assigned positions. Having been one the former heads of the American mafia I have the advantage of knowing many secret passages to the base and particular offices which I'm pretty sure those bastards know nothing about. I will capture the main office first with my team and slowly we take each floor. Some teams are going to be assigned at the border of the base as well for backup and also because I don't want anyone to escape", Rowan continued explaining.

We nod.

"Your team heads will give you the more detailed information and otherwise you can always contact Owen. Landon will give you instructions regarding the technical stuff which he is really good at, like the alarm disabling and ear piece you all need. If this goes as per plan trust me we will win. As far as I know I've said everything. Anything else boys?", Rowan turns and asked Lan and Owen.

They look at the file in their hand and shake their head at him.

"Good so get instructions from Owen here about your groups and then start your preparation as we execute this tomorrow", Rowan said seriously

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