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A deep voice echoed inside Yoongi's room, coming from Jaeho's mic. 

"Had enough?"

"Please," Yoongi crawls helplessly on the floor "What is this?"

"A punishment. For someone who is deserving of one."

". . . Just fucking kill me already!!" Yoongi screams, prompting a chuckle from Jaeho

"I would rather make you bleed a thousand times than see you die.." Jaeho answers "You're not getting away this time Deimos. Hoseok left you that night so you can make your own decision, and you still chose to bury your error. Never again will I let you do that."

"Fuck, I'm sorry! What was I supposed to do? Hoseok could've helped me revive her but he didn't!" 

"Didn't you hear what he asked you? He asked why the fuck you did it in the first place!"
As Jaeho explained, Yoongi's face crumpled 
"My mother only assumed you were drunk but I know you were not at all.. From the moment you threw her in that sanctuary, I knew you had a different reason to enrage like that." 

"It was a fucking order!"

"Which proves my point!" Jaeho slightly slammed the console "Because if you were drunk, you wouldn't even think about the fucking orders now would you?" 

A sudden realization had finally urged Yoongi to quit his denial self; he sighed in pain. It was obvious from his actions that night that he had other reasons to kill Kyeong Jeen. 

He did not just aim to erase her memories....
Yoongi wanted to eliminate her existence...

"Nobody is around except for us..." Jaeho darted his eyes at Yoongi "So if you still want to end up having a happy future with Kim Sherry, tell me the truth. What exactly happened to you?"

"For fuck sake.." Yoongi says, almost in a whisper "Where do I even start?"

"From Sani.." Jaeho replies "Tell me what happened from 2021 Yoongi's perspective..

I want to hear everything...



"fine!. . . 





I hated her."


"I HATED HER!" His eyes watered with guilt; his lips quivering in regret "I hated Sani so much.  She was the root of the disaster that divided them three... I swear that bitch was the real reason why Namjoon couldn't get his shit together. You know how crazy he was for her right? It was sickening!

I was so fucking tired with those two. 

.. So...
When I saw that letter on the table, I lost it.

𝐒𝐈𝐋𝐊𝐒 𝐎𝐅 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐕𝐄𝐍 𝟐 [21+]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant