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Jungkook's POV~

"This is so awkward"

We caught ourselves sitting amongst the crowd, listening as all of the families give their last remarks for Chief and the board of directors. Everyone had their face masks on, which luckily helped us avoid being recognized by anyone.

"~My Appa was a good man. He crawled his way up to success and proved to be one of the most hardworking men I have known in my life. And it is truly agonizing to see that he was included in this tragedy. I mean, as soon as my mom and I heard the news from the nurses, we just couldn't believe it. We just saw him smiling yesterday, all happy and well.. And now he's gone.
But... Even if they have left us, their memories will forever be in our hearts.
May they all rest in the most beautiful paradise. Or wherever he may be, I hope he is happy.
I will miss you Appa.~"

It's appalling to sit through this entire event, watching these wives, sons, and daughters cry their hearts out over a tragedy that no one can grasp. It was like being forced to watch Schindler's list.

"Jungkook..." Yoongi suddenly taps my shoulder as he asks "Why... Is Lee Jongsuk here?" He then pointed at 2 o'clock, just a few seats on our right. I had to squint my eyes a bit to see who it was.

"Who's Lee Jongsuk?" Taehyung confusingly asks

"I-" I've never seen Jongsuk roam around Incheon, nor has he mentioned going here. But to see him attending The Chief's funeral? "That's a good question actually. Should I text him?"

"Don't.." Taehyung held my hand as I was about to take my phone out "If he sees us here, he'll ask the same question"

"He probably saw us already," I whisper

"Still.. We should make sure nobody here recognizes our faces."

"How long is this going to take any way I'm starving," Yoongi's chewed on his bottom lip in impatience "What time is it!?"

"7: 30," I say, eliciting a clench forming on Yoongi's fist

"They've been blabbering for an hour and a half already."

"Patience my brothers, let them." I say "I mean, no matter what we've been through with the Chief and the board of directors, they are still people you know. People who have huge families.."

"Holding A funeral at night is not a good idea" Taehyung breathes "They should have adjusted the time, make it 3 pm at least..."

"it's like they want us haunted by these freaks," Yoongi folds his arms

"Just a little more time guys," to be honest, I was feeling hungry as well. But it's not like we can just leave; that would just attract more attention. "Just a little more time I'm sure they're almost done."

"And the next speaker is the firstborn of Dr. Kang Taeyang. Mr. Kang Jeonghan, we deeply sympathize with your family."

"Mhm sure it's done-"

We returned to our silence, but I didn't take my gaze off of Sir Lee Jongsuk. How come I never knew his connection to these people? He must be a close friend of one of their sons or something.
He sat between two strangers, most likely his acquaintances. On his right was a woman with glossy blonde tresses, similar to Helen's. On his left was another man, built similarly to him and dressed in a suit that was nearly identical to his.. His hand made motions as if they were conversing in whispers. But somehow, Lee Jongsuk didn't bother to look or peak at our area.

𝐒𝐈𝐋𝐊𝐒 𝐎𝐅 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐕𝐄𝐍 𝟐 [21+]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ