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Jimin's POV~

"Mr. Jung is fine now. However, he's resting and will be needing rest for a couple more days until his heart rate fully goes back to normal. Right now it is beating normally but he is still weak. It can still function dangerously low.." We remained in the corridor, listening intently as the local doctor briefly explained his current status. None of us even thought about eating dinner, despite the fact that the sunset had already faded into the night.

"Good grief.. Would it be a bother if we take a look?" Mother suggests "At least let us be assured he's totally okay before we leave him?"

"That won't be necessary." He answered "We do, however, need one person to look after him. Just for tonight."

"I'll go!"

"No mother," Neither of them would be able to take good care of Hoseok at this point. They're too overtaken by their emotions "I'll go. I'll do it doc"

"No! You have caused enough trouble!"

"Mother!" I slightly yelled "Go and take Namy to the dining room and eat for crying out loud. You are both tired. Let me handle it from here, I can help heal his heart."

"You can but will you?" She was ready to slap my cheeks with her exhausted rage once more "Will you help him?"

"Mother, Jimin is right. We need a rest as well," Namy remarked, miraculously agreeing with my decision. "He will help Hoseok, I'm sure of it."

". . . Okay," She sighs heavily "But I'll be putting 2 guards by the door. I don't trust you, my son... Not with him."

"The feeling is mutual, mother dear~" I childishly rolled my eyes as I make my way to his room.

But before separating, Namy slightly clung to my bicep and steps closer to my ear
"Do good, my king" Her voice; daring even with her rudeness "This is your chance to be forgiven"

I wish not to let her get on my nerves anymore. But it frustrates me to hear that she can only forgive me if I help Hoseok. Is he really more important to her than me?

"Goodnight my queen-" Her hold loosens instantly as she saunters out of the corridor with my mother. She didn't even give me a chance to kiss her.

"Do you know where sir Plutus might be?" I turned my gaze on the doctor

"As I recall, we told him we needed a stronger oxygen tank for sir Dionysus. After that, he unexpectedly left the room. He hasn't come back after that your majesty."

"Thank you. I really do appreciate the hardest work you've done today, Doc. I'll take it from here" I gave him a warm pat on the back "You may rest now."

"Thank you, your majesty"

... I quietly entered his room, shutting the door by slowly removing one finger after the other. I did not want to wake him up as I knew he wouldn't even want me in here. It's only going to cause unwanted awkwardness...

But of course, as I observed him on his bed, I tried my best to fulfill my word. According to the doctor, his heart was not functioning properly, which resulted in his uneven breathing. Until now, we still wonder what exactly is the root of all this.

𝐒𝐈𝐋𝐊𝐒 𝐎𝐅 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐕𝐄𝐍 𝟐 [21+]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt