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"Morpheus can you still hold a little longer?"
- Eros

"Somebody called Deimos.. That's why he's in a panic now."
- Pothos

"The allies? Do you think they told him that? Maybe they did that to force you both to leave sooner."
- Eros

"I don't know.. I'll try my best to get him to talk."
- Pothos

They were drifting through the wide routes of Seoul City; Taehyung on the front, and Yoongi on the driver's seat. Jimin and Namjoon stayed connected to the earpiece, longing to hear the rest of Yoongi's mysterious phone call.

However, Namjoon felt a pang in his head as a result of the information Yoongi spat out.
"Who did you talk to exactly?" One more time, Taehyung tried to answer "Did the allies contact you? Yoongi answer me!!"

Yet Yoongi only demanded one thing from Taehyung
"Give me my earphones"

"What? Yoongi answer me!!"

"Aish!"Yoongi tried to reach for the car's pocket on Taehyung's side, but the wheels drunkenly wobbled as he did. He rummaged inside and took out a tangled earphone.

"Yoongi please answer me nobody's around except for the two of us!!"

Yoongi recklessly untangles the earphones with one hand while trying to keep the car in the right lane with the other. As he finishes, he inserts it into his ear and redials Seokjin's number on his phone.

*ring ring*

*ring ring*

=On a call=

"I'm here."
- Kim Seokjin

"Speak in our language.."
- Min Yoongi

- Kim Seokjin

"ΜΙΛΑ ρε!"
MILA re!
- Min Yoongi


He suggested they'd converse using the language only gods could understand. And from that, Taehyung instantly found out that Yoongi wasn't talking to a mortal ally of Jung Hoseok.

It kept his mind fixed on Yoongi's words the entire time. But the absurd thing is, Yoongi did not utter a single word throughout the entire ride.

"Pothos who the hell is he talking to!?"
- Eros

"What other god could have contacted him through a mobile device..."
- Pothos

". . . It can't be."
- Eros

"Who's in your mind?"
- Pothos

"Four of us are in one area. Jungkook is with Sani.. Hoseok is...."
- Eros

"Wait... Eros... Don't leave me, please. We can deal with him later."
- Morpheus

𝐒𝐈𝐋𝐊𝐒 𝐎𝐅 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐕𝐄𝐍 𝟐 [21+]Where stories live. Discover now