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"So that's 50,000 won.. right?"

"Yes Sir.."

"Okay perfect, keep the change...." "Sherry-Pie!"

Yoongi's POV~

Ten months into the year 2024.. A lot has happened since the day we saw Sani in that rehabilitation center.. The truth was indeed a lot to take in, especially for the Choi sisters.

We had a rough start.. Before it all led to this day, we were clueless about where or how to begin our investigation... The only source we relied on was Sani's diary. And I felt ashamed to call myself an ally of Hoseok. My brothers demanded I'd provide further information about this chaos but to be honest, I only know less than half of it. I sided with and tolerated Hoseok's violence towards Sani without even knowing the backstory. All I was told was that she once came into their lives and planned to ruin it.

I believed him.. Dionysus would never lie to any of us.

I must've mixed things up... Now I struggle, more, from my own stupidity. I realized that if he lied about Sani then he must've lied about his entire life...

We snuck into police stations all throughout South Korea late at night looking for probable traces of documentation. We even snuck into his office area and swept every possible cabinet. Just as Jimin said, everything was clean..

Eventually, Taehyung got in touch with someone kind enough to provide us with evidence of one of Hoseok's victims. The most important ones: Sierra and Yejun Choi. The ones who helped were anonymous yet they claimed to be secret witnesses to the crime itself. They never gave the full backstory right away, nor did they even show any physical details of their identities because they only communicated with Taehyung through emails and phone calls. But the hints they gave seemed logical and accurate. They helped us discover something Mr. and Mrs. Choi had been secretly doing which could be the cause of their deaths... It was shocking news for the sisters. It even started a rift between Sofi and Tina, as Tina greatly assumed Hoseok was protecting them from the people involved in their parents' hidden mantra.
Even after every proof they gave her, she still sided with Hoseok...
So out of all the sisters, she's the only one who never participated in our investigation.
Instead, she kept herself busy with her son, Arthes.

Recently, the anonymous gave us a new hint of where this secret business was held.
However, Taehyung requested a week off with Sofi since it was close to Halloween and also their 2nd anniversary. So, we decided to rest and investigate next week.

And, here I am.... Spending an entire day on Namsan Mountain with Kim Sherry...

"Yummy!!" She grins widely as I hand her a packet of So-tteok So-tteok. I bought it from the street vendor minutes ago. "Why didn't buy one for you Yoongi-puu?"

"I'm not really in the mood to eat" I answer, wrapping my arm around her.
As we strolled around the area, we saw numerous children, already in their costumes, carrying bags of candy that they have picked up from kind street vendors. We also came across romantic couples recording every memory on their phones' front cameras. Sherry wanted us to act like them. But being me, I care less if my actions are far more different than everyone else's..

"Nope! I won't allow that," She lifts her hand "Try one.. Come on"

"Sherry I'm not hungry~"

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