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We awkwardly dashed out of the center, eventually finding our way back to my motorcycle. I was in the middle of catching my breath when I noticed Vera still frozen beside me. Her face, however, shifted to a surprised one.

"Vera.." I breathe, resting on the bike's seat "What exactly is happening?"

"I-.." She mutters "How?. . ."

"How? How what?"

Her eyes turned to me as she said "Bro... I got a call from the chief saying he agreed to our proposal."

"Proposal? The one you delivered this afternoon?" She was even more shocked at my answer

"What do you mean delivered this afternoon?"

.. . . What?

"Vera, I saw you and Niky entering the center! I followed you, but you went straight to the Chief's unit. See, the reason why I randomly stayed in Sani's room for hours is that I waited for you guys! " I already confessed before she even thinks of a lie to tell me "Where's Niky?"

"AT THE HOUSE BABYSITTING ARTHES?!" She panicked "Jungkook, I seriously have no idea what this is. I never went here today and neither has Niky. I was at work, assisting your clients while you were gallivanting inside that fucking place with Sani."

"How did you even know I was here?" I raised a brow

"The chief told me.. He visited Sani's room earlier today and saw the two of you innocently cuddled in your slumber. He left right away before I could even come here."

"Then...What the hell is happening?" I checked my phone once again to see if any unread messages could give us a clearer view of this situation. But all I got were 10 missed calls. "What exactly did they say to you, Vera?"

"We were the ones who worked our asses off in this case, Jungkook. The proposal they referred to was the one we submitted 2 damn years ago, remember?! The deal was to make them agree to free Sani and in return, we give them half the legal benefits of J.H incorporated." She explained, "I honestly thought they ignored that because we never got permitted to visit their unit ever since that happened.."

My gaze was wearily drawn back to the little windows of the rehabilitation center. ". . . Does that mean Sani's free?"

"They scheduled it..." She clipped her hand on my shoulder, gazing at the same view as she gasps heavily "They'll release her tomorrow."

She nodded

"Tomorrow..." I paused "This doesn't make any sense. What on earth changed their minds?"

"That's why it's so confusing to me.." she mentions, "I asked them that same question and all they answered was 'We're doing this for the greater good, Ms. Choi.' Like, the fuck?"

"Did you tell the news to anyone else?" I ask

"As soon as I was told that you were here, I immediately went. So, no. I haven't...



Is that Niky?"

𝐒𝐈𝐋𝐊𝐒 𝐎𝐅 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐕𝐄𝐍 𝟐 [21+]Where stories live. Discover now