"Good Morning"

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Raven groaned as she reached for the alarm on the nightstand that had so rudely woken her up. After shutting it off she rolled back over and looked at Loki, he seemed to still be sleeping. She assumed there was no way he could've slept through the noise but apparently she had been wrong. She stretched her head up and placed a small kiss on his lips causing him to smile.

"I knew you were awake." She laughed as she playfully smacked his chest.

"No I'm not, I'm in denial. If I lie still enough with my eyes closed it's almost as if I'm still asleep." Loki grinned as he tightened his arms around her, nuzzling his face into her hair.

"Well that's a wonderful theory Loki, but unfortunately I have recruit training this morning." Raven said, her voice slightly muffled against his bare chest.

"Noooo" Loki pouted before kissing her forehead and loosening his group on her. "Fine."

Raven couldn't help but chuckle at his playfulness, it always seemed to be on overdrive when he was still half-asleep.. She propped herself up on one elbow as he rolled onto his back. "I love you." She said as she leaned down and peppered his face with multiple tiny kisses until he was laughing loudly.

"I yield, I yield." Loki said in between bouts of laughter.

Raven shot up on her knees and proclaimed proudly. "HAHA I have bested Loki, a Prince of Asgard and Jotunheim, in battle."

She let out a surprised yelp as Loki suddenly jumped up and tackled her, pinning her beneath him on the bed. "Ah there is one of the delicious noises you make." He purred in her ear as he gently bit her neck. "What time do you have to be at the compound for training?" Loki asked as he gently trailed kisses down her neck to her collarbone.

"Um not too soon but soon enough that this will have to be postponed" Raven chuckled as he brought his face back up to meet hers.

"Very well then." Loki said as he pressed his lips against hers, there was almost a sort of desperation behind the kiss, like he didn't want her to leave. They finally parted after she lightly pressed against his chest.

"I need air." Raven chuckled as she caught her breath.

Loki placed a quick kiss on the tip of her nose before climbing off the bed. "Would you like me to start a bath for you?" he asked as she stood up.

"That sounds lovely actually, thank you. I'm gonna pop to the kitchen real quick and grab a coffee, would you like one?" Raven asked as she stood up and summoned a robe before wrapping it around herself.

"Sure, the bath should be ready by the time you get back." Loki said

Raven gave him a quick kiss before teleporting herself to the kitchen. Pepper was there making breakfast for her and Tony.

"Morning Pep, Tony." She said walking up to them.

"Morning sweetheart." Pepper said, giving her a hug; catching sight of all the hickeys and bite marks on her neck which made Raven chuckle.

"What's so funny kid?" Tony asked

"Pep is internally cringing." Raven said nonchalantly "Because of these" She said as she pointed to her neck making Tony cringe as well. "Seriously you guys? Grow up." Raven chuckled as she walked past Pepper and grabbed 2 coffee mugs from the cabinet.

"Sorry kid, it's just weird for us to think about the 2 of you doing that." Tony said

"Why? Because it's Loki?" She asked, admittedly more defensive than she probably needed to be.

"Could you be mine?" (Loki Romance FanFic) MATURE 18+ RecommendedWhere stories live. Discover now