"Man Wasn't Meant To Meddle"

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"All our work is gone. Ultron cleared out, and used the internet as an escape hatch." Bruce said as he tapped a few things on the holoscreen in front of him.

"Ultron." Steve scoffed

Raven tapped a few keys on a keyboard before turning around in her chair and looking at the rest of the team. "He's been in everything. Files, surveillance. Hell, he probably knows more about us than we know about each other." She said

"He's in your files, he's in the internet. What if he decides to access something a little more exciting?" Rhodey said, gripping his arm from where he had landed earlier.

"Nuclear codes." Maria said in a hushed tone, her voice now filled with worry.

"Exactly, nuclear codes. Look, we need to make some calls, assuming we still can." Rhodey replied.

"Nukes? He said he wanted us dead." Raven said.

"He didn't say 'dead'." Steve corrected "He said 'extinct'."

"He also said he killed somebody." Clint said.

"But there wasn't anyone else in the building, was there?" Loki asked

"Yeah, there was." Tony said solemnly as he brought up a hologram projection of JARVIS's consciousness.

"What the..." Bruce said as he walked up to it. "This is insane."

"JARVIS was the first line of defense." Steve said "He would've shut Ultron down, it makes sense."

Raven stood up and walked towards the projection, standing across from Bruce. "Ultron could've assimilated Jarvis." She said as she looked at Steve. "This isn't strategy, no this...this is rage."

"It's going around." Loki said as Thor came barging into the lab, storming over to Tony as he grabbed him by the throat and lifted him off of the ground.

"Come on, use your words, buddy." Tony said, his voice was strained as he tried to speak.

"I have more than enough words to describe you, Stark." Thor sneered at him.

Raven teleported next to Thor as she placed a hand on his arm and used her powers to help calm him down.

"Thor!" Steve said, pulling his attention away from Tony. "The Legionnaire."

Thor set Tony down causing him to stagger backwards. "Trail went cold about a hundred miles out but it's headed north, and yes, it still has the scepter. So now we have to retrieve it...again." Thor said angrily.

"The genie's out of that bottle." Nat said "Clear and present is Ultron."

Loki looked over at Tony. "I don't understand. You built this program. Why is it trying to kill us?" he asked, confused.

Suddenly Tony started to laugh, quietly at first before he chuckled a bit louder, causing Bruce to nervously shake his head 'no' at Tony.

"You think this is funny?" Thor asked angrily

"No. It's probably not, right? Is this terrible? Is it... is it so... it is, isn't it. It's so terrible." Tony said still chuckling, Raven was worried he was starting to crack.

"This could've been avoided if you hadn't played with something you don't understand." Loki said, Raven could tell he was now getting annoyed at Tony's laughter as well.

"No, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It is funny. It's a hoot that you don't get why we need this." Tony snapped back, his voice filling with anger as well.

Bruce interrupted him. "Tony, maybe this might not be the time to..."

"Really?! That's it? You just roll over, show your belly, every time somebody snarls." Tony said cutting him off

"Could you be mine?" (Loki Romance FanFic) MATURE 18+ RecommendedWhere stories live. Discover now