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Raven and Loki stepped into the quinjet both fully armored; Loki had been initiated as an Avenger not long after he had proposed. Loki was in his traditional Asgardian armor, all green and gold, he looked so powerful it excited Raven slightly, but she quickly pushed the thought away, they had a mission to focus on.

Raven was wearing her new uniform that Nat had given her on her birthday. It was an all black full leather bodysuit with a matching trench coat, the entire outfit had a metallic blue coloration to it. Her torso was covered in an armored corset and she had a strap on each thigh to hold a dagger. She had her bow and a quiver of arrows on her back

 She had her bow and a quiver of arrows on her back

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The quinjet landed in a snowy forest. Tony's suit assembled around him as Steve placed his shield on his back. Suddenly a blast came towards the jet narrowly missing Bruce's head.

"Banner, Code Green." Tony said firing a repulsor shot in the direction the blast had come from.

Bruce was already taking off his shirt as his body began to shift to a green color as he stepped away from the rest of them and began staggering into the forest in the direction the blast had come as he began to grow larger. Just as the Hulk disappeared into the trees, a motorcycle and a vehicle with 3 Hydra soldiers pulled up and pointed the large gun on the top of the vehicle at them.

Thor threw his hammer knocking the gunner; and the gun, off the top of the jeep as Clint hit the driver with an arrow. Raven hit the passenger with one of her arrows as Loki threw a dagger at the soldier on the motorcycle.

"They seem to be a patrol team. Hopefully they didn't get the chance to tell anyone we were here." Steve said as he walked over to the motorcycle. "Someone needs to stay with the jet." He said as he looked at Clint, Nat, Raven, and Loki.

"I'll stay with the ship." Loki said before anyone else could volunteer. "Let me know if I am needed though and I can be there in an instant."

"Okay. Nat, Clint, and Raven. You 3 take that vehicle. Stark, Thor are you ready?" Steve said

"We're good Cap, let's boogie." Tony said as he took off in his suit.

Nat drove through the forest as Clint let loose an arrow at an incoming soldier. Another vehicle was coming up from behind them and firing as Raven threw a dagger at a soldier to their right, there were multiple soldiers with guns coming from that direction. As she began shooting them with arrows and the occasional dagger, Nat kicked away a soldier that had opened her door after flying up with some kind of jetpack; Raven then noticed there were a few of these jetpack equipped soldiers flying around them as Clint elbowed one off of the back of the vehicle. Tony flew up on their right side as Clint shot another soldier with an arrow. Raven shot a small lightning blast at a soldier on a motorcycle that had just driven up beside her and was trying to reach for her door.

The 3 of them had finally caught back up with Tony, Steve, and Thor as Thor came slamming down on the front of a Hydra tank and Tony hit it with a repulsor blast sending it flying into the air as it was caught by the Hulk.

"Could you be mine?" (Loki Romance FanFic) MATURE 18+ RecommendedWhere stories live. Discover now