"Tea With A Trickster"

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Raven and Loki walked back into the kitchen hand in hand. She was surprised when no one said anything about him still being out of his cell, it had been over 12 hours now.

"I'm gonna make my favorite shrimp Florentine alfredo. You can sit there." She said pointing to one of the stools.

"Is there anything I could do to assist you? It doesn't feel right to have you serving me like this every meal." Loki said. Raven could tell he had a genuine desire to help her in any way he could.

"Sure umm as I come across something for you to do I'll let you know." She gave him a light kiss on the cheek, it felt so natural that she didn't think twice about it.

She began grabbing the different ingredients she needed. Raven smiled as she discovered she had the first task she could ask Loki to help with. She grabbed the package of raw shrimp and 2 bowls; one larger than the other, before turning to face him.

"Okay so I'm gonna have you remove the tails from these shrimp so I can get them grilled up." She showed him the best technique for removing the tails in the quickest way while leaving nothing in the tail. Loki looked pleased with his task as she turned back around and began mixing the seasonings that she was going to grill the shrimp in.

She felt Loki's hands on her waist again and this time it didn't surprise her rather it made her sigh in comfort, she liked being in his arms like this. "Done with the shrimp?" Raven asked. Loki set the bowl of tailless shrimp on the counter next to her. "Yes my Lady." He placed a light kiss on the nape of her neck before releasing her from his grip allowing her to continue cooking.

The next thing she had Loki do was drain the noodles once they were done, she noticed how he seemed to flinch away from the hot steam but she didn't think much of it. He smiled as he returned the noodles to the pan they had been in before placing a kiss on Raven's head as he went to sit back down to await her next request.

Raven turned off all of the burners and motioned for Loki to come over by her. Once he reached her side she took a small spoonful of the sauce and placed it in his mouth for him to taste it. "What do you think?" She asked, hoping he liked it.

"This has got to be one of the most delicious things I have tasted, between here on Midgard or back on Asgard I have never tasted something such as this." Raven thought he was just saying that to make her happy but after searching his thoughts slightly she realized he was being 100% genuine.

"Thanks." Raven said. "It was my mom's recipe."

"Are you making Jenna's florentine sauce?" Pepper's voice surprised Raven, they hadn't talked a whole lot lately since Pepper had been so busy at Stark Industries.

"Yeah, I've been feeling reminiscent today so I figured what better way to end the day than with mom's florentine." Raven said, looking at her aunt as she stepped forward wrapping her arms around Loki's waist, resting her head on his chest. "I bet she would've liked you." Raven said to Loki. "Mom did know how to appreciate an attractive man." She said chuckling before finally pulling away to begin serving their plates.

"Did you need something specific or just coming to say hi?" Raven asked Pepper as she finished scooping the pasta mixture onto 2 plates.

"Yeah actually I need you to come into the office in the morning for a few hours. We are having a full staff meeting so you technically need to attend but don't worry you can come back here as soon as it's over." She said giving Raven a playful nod towards Loki knowing exactly where Raven would go once she got back.

"Okay, what time is the meeting?" Raven asked.

"9am but you should be back before noon." Pepper said before turning to leave

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