"Odin Allfather"

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"So it is true" Odin sneered at Loki.

"And just what exactly are you referring to?" Raven asked, stepping in front of Loki and making Odin look at her instead.

"Loki is a murderer and a criminal, I sent him here to be to be locked up, not to galavant around with some...woman." Odin said, Raven could tell he wanted to say something other than 'woman' but had decided against it.

"No, you banished Loki to Midgard to get him out of Asgard. Last I checked he is still here and hasn't left. Being locked up was a requirement on OUR part." Raven said as she pointed at the team. "And those requirements have changed. Sorry you wasted your time coming all the way down here, have a safe journey back though." She sneered at him.

"Mind your tongue child, I am the king of Asgard, I am Odin Allfather and I will not be disrespected by some Midgardian wench." Odin barked back at her.

"I am not a child, I am Raven Morwin Aelsadottir Stark Ward, and you might be the king of asgard and the allfather but you aren't a king here and you aren't my father so I shall speak to you however I see fit. Insult me again and you will regret it dearly." Raven said back, her voice was stern and full of anger.

"Aelsadottir?" Odin asked. "You're the halfling that my son was telling me about; he failed to mention you were the bedmate of that monster." he sneered pointing at Loki

That had done it, Raven couldn't stand it when someone called Loki a monster she went to lunge for him as Loki grabbed her at the last second, her quick movement actually made Odin and the rest of the Asgardians that came with him slightly jump back in shock.

"AH" Raven growled "Let me go"

"No," Loki said with a small smirk on his face.

'I told you what I was going to do the next time someone called you a monster'" Raven thought to Loki as she tried to break free of his grasp.

'I know, Love. But I have a strong feeling that punching Odin right now won't help anything.' Loki thought back to her as she began to calm down in his arms before she turned to look at him.

"I don't care, if he does it again I'm punching him in his fucking throat." She said out loud this time before she turned to look at Odin.

"He is NOT a monster, and that is the only time you are going to get away with calling him one. The next time won't end so well for you." Raven warned. "Now what do you want?"

"I don't want anything, I AM taking Loki back to Asgard to live out the rest of his punishment in the dungeons. Locked up like he should be." Odin said as he nodded at Hogun and Volstagg.

Raven looked at the 2 men who were now slowly approaching her. "You have one chance to stop guys." She said hoping that they would heed her warning. She was slightly pleased when they didn't even slow their pace. "Alright, just know this isn't personal." Raven said before she teleported away causing Odin to slightly gasp in surprise.

Raven appeared behind Hogun as she swept his feet out from under him sending him face first into the floor before she then jumped on Volstagg's back and sent a surge of electricity through his temples causing his body to shake spastically against the floor where he fell on top of Hogun; pinning him to the ground.

She quickly whipped back around and stared at Fandral and Sif, "Who's next?" she taunted as Sif began to lunge for her.

"Enough" Odin yelled, causing Sif to instantly freeze in place. "Loki is of Asgard and as the king of Asgard I have every right to remove my prisoner from this realm."

"Loki is NOT of Asgard, you may have raised him there but that's not where he is from, he is of Jotunheim and therefore you have NO right to remove him from our realm." Raven said "The only way you are taking him from this building is if I'm in a bodybag."

"Could you be mine?" (Loki Romance FanFic) MATURE 18+ RecommendedWhere stories live. Discover now