"Training Discovery"

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Raven was ripped from her sleep by a muffled yell from Loki's room. Throwing the blankets off of her she ran through the bathroom into his room to see him tossing and turning in his bed, he was having a nightmare.

She slowly walked towards the edge of his bed softly calling his name. "Loki? Loki, wake up." She said whispering, she didn't want to startle him. When he didn't seem to be hearing her she tried to push through to his mind to see if she could help calm him that way.

'Loki breathe, it's just a dream.' She thought 'I'm right here, you're okay.'

As she watched his body begin to calm down slightly she sat on the edge of his bed and gently grabbed his hand pulling it towards her as she ran her other hand up and down his arm. She kept thinking about how calm she wanted him to become and it seemed to be working, she was actually changing what emotion he was feeling..

'Loki you're having a nightmare, wake up.' She thought to him as she continued holding his hand and lightly running her fingers up and down his forearm.

Loki slowly opened his eyes looking around in confusion, she could tell he was still trying to separate the dream from reality. When his eyes met hers he lunged forward and grabbed her pulling her into a tight hug as he knocked her backwards on the bed and held her as they now laid side by side.

"Mine." He said half asleep as he nuzzled his head into neck. His grip tightened slightly and Raven thought she heard him lightly snoring.

"Wait, did you just fall back asleep?" She asked, but he didn't respond. "Loki I can't move." Raven said as she tried to wiggle free of his grasp with no luck.

'Loki? I can't move.' She tried to see if she could reach him with her thoughts. He shifted slightly and Raven saw her chance as she quickly rolled out of his grip. Unfortunately she put a bit too much force behind her roll and ended up throwing herself right off the side of his bed and landing straight on her back.



The sound woke Loki up; it sounded like something fell. He sat up trying to see what it was, he noticed he was now laying on top of his bedding with his head at the opposite end of his bed.

"What am I doing down here?" He mused out loud.

"That would be because you dive bombed me while you were half asleep and we landed down there."

Loki was slightly startled when he heard the voice speak from the floor next to his bed so it took him a moment to notice that it was Raven who was now standing up rubbing her lower back.

"Did I throw you on the floor?" Loki asked as he scrambled over and sat on the edge of the bed in front of her to look at the spot on her back where she was rubbing. He knew he had been having a nightmare. Had she come in and he attacked her? "Please forgive me I never meant to,"

His words were cut short as she leaned forward and placed a kiss on his lips, Loki loved the way her lips felt on his; warm, gentle, and loving.


"No Loki." Raven said, pulling away from the kiss, taking his face in her hands to pull his gaze towards her. "You were having a nightmare, so I came in and calmed you down. You woke up for a moment and kinda tackle-hugged me and fell back asleep. I rolled out of your arms and accidentally rolled too hard and threw myself on the floor." She said; how could he have thought he hurt her?

"You didn't do anything, it's okay." Raven sat on his lap as she hugged him tightly. "You would never hurt me and I know that Loki. I trust you." She placed a gentle kiss on his cheek before letting out a large yawn.

"Could you be mine?" (Loki Romance FanFic) MATURE 18+ RecommendedWhere stories live. Discover now