An hour or so later an ER doctor came by to check on me. I couldn't really speak to him, still in shock over the days events continuing to unfold, along with the dream or vision still playing on repeat in my minds eye. Laura was the one to speak up and ask if he could give me something to help offset my nerves and anxiety.

  "I'll write up an order for some valium. It may relax her enough to get some rest while you wait. I do want to keep you here for maybe just a couple more hours. Your BP getting high like that is concerning," he says while tapping into the tablet he's holding.

  That's when it dawns on me. "I left without taking my meds this morning."

  "Opal," Laura starts to scold me. I narrow my eyes at her, challenging her to continue this line of discussion.

  "What do you take?"

   "Propranolol," I spit out quickly. "40 mg three times a day."

  "That's quite a dose. So you've missed at least 2 doses by now. Alright, we'll get it taken care of." He's about to walk through the door when the nurse meets him, whispering something in his ear, too low for us to hear. I watch as he looks back at me and shakes his head no. He hands off the tablet to her and speaks the orders to her.

   I watch as she pulls a medicine cart in from the hallway, unlocking a drawer with her badge and PIN code. She places a couple of pills in one cup, and a couple of others in another before closing the drawer locking it in place. Spencer reaches for the cup and pitcher that I hadn't even noticed sitting next to the bed. He pours water into the cup and passes it to Laura to hand to me. I move myself upright as the nurse hands me the first cup of meds.

  "This is the propranolol. We should see your blood pressure relax within thirty minutes."

  I take it quickly, holding the empty cup out to her. She replaces it with the valium.

  "This is only meant to relax you."

  I sigh as I grab the valium from her, knowing that there's no way it will work enough to keep my mind from racing. I swallow it down anyway. "Any other news?"

  I see the nurses eyes shift. She must be horrible at playing poker. Spencer notices it too.

  "What is it?" he questions.

  "I think we should wait a bit longer," she suggests before going back to the medicine cart, preparing to push it back out into the hallway.

  "No!" I shout louder than I should have, not caring that I'm in the middle of an ER. "You know something."

  "The doctor said I need to wait to give you any other information. Just until the meds kick in," she says holding her hands up in surrender.

   "That means it's bad." My eyes shift to Laura who hasn't left my bed, staying beside me for moments such as this I'm sure. I can feel my body beginning to react again as my chest starts to shake.

   "Miss Lucas, that's not what it means at all."

   Spencer moves closer to the nurse, essentially trying to intimidate her. "If it didn't then you'd say it. What's going on?"

   The nurse swallows hard, her eyes shifting from where I lay a heaving mess in the bed, back to Spencer. "As much as I would like to inform you, I can't. I have to follow the doctor's orders." She continues to stand her ground. "I'll be back in about thirty minutes."

   I know what's about to happen and I need to stop it before it happens again. I lay back into the bed once again, closing my eyes tightly. "I need my phone." I hear shuffling before Laura nudges my hand with my cell. I open my eyes and begin searching through my music list. It takes a moment before I locate what I'm looking for. I press play and hold it against my chest, letting the lyrics bring me comfort as I remember when Chris sent it to me to listen to.

Every New Beginning... (Chris Evans AU)Where stories live. Discover now