Lord and soldiers

Start from the beginning

It caused him to back through the entire chain of events leading up to his right-hand man's death, to find mistakes, to find where he should've acted differently. But what frustrated him was that he wasn't convinced he should have acted differently. He went all the way back to when Doeksu had first come through his doors. Maybe he should have turned the man down in the first place. But a bigger part of him knew that wouldn't have made a difference.

"Are you seeking employment to replace the skills Doeksu brought to this kingdom?"

" No, I don't think so. "

"You sound uncertain."

"I suppose it depends on the outcome of this conversation." The girl walked towards the map, her fingers traced along the coastlines. Akira raised an eyebrow. "You want to take over all three kingdoms." She said.

It was more a statement than a question.

Akira was startled. How could she have known? But he stopped his denial. It was self-evident. Akira knew the other two Lords also had dreams of unifying the three kingdoms. He also knew the Second Kingdom was ready to make it a reality.

"Yes, but so does every Lord. I just believe I have a better chance of success."

" Why? "

Akira stepped back. Such blunt questions were so different from what he was used to. He had never spoken so openly about his plans before. But he felt the girl needed to know if he could convince a nightblade he could convince anyone. "Order, strength, discipline. My citizens are usually happy, though my people may complain about the rules put in place, there is few crimes committed and not much fear in my Kingdom. We have a strong military's. I also had the service of the best assassins in the three kingdoms."

She nodded with a vacant look behind her eyes like all her emotions had been used up. "But... the Second kingdom are going to beat you to it."

"Yes,"  She must have read Doeksus book.

Suddenly she straightens her back, her chin in parallel to the ground. Her youthful face hardened to one of the warriors. Akira could tell she had seen far too much of the world for her age. "I need to get somewhere, but It would mean crossing the second Kingdom. Which is why I came to you. Even as a nightblade, I don't think I can get through the Kingdom. I need you to get me across. Documents, horses, soldiers. I don't care how as long as I get across."

"And what will I get from this?"

"You don't want to lose your Kingdom. So, I'll help you win the upcoming war."

"You'll work for me then?"

"No, I'll do what I see is best. Growing up, I have seen many people fall because they were tied up by their honour and loyalty. I want to make my own choices and face my own consequences." Akira nodded. He understood the girl. There was a wise sense of maturity and responsibility to her words. But it begged the question of where she grew up. He decided to no press that question.

"How do I know you'll keep your end of the bargain? "

The nameless girl grinned and suddenly went from a warrior to a carefree adolescent in an instant. Yet her smile didn't reach her eyes. "You'll just have to take my word for it. I want everything ready by tomorrow morning, Akira."

With that, the stranger was out the door. He began to track her until he found that she had disappeared into the emptiness. It was an impressive skill.

Lord Akira felt his lip twitch upwards into a smile. He and Doeksu had always understood and respected each other. Though he had just lost a great friend. He had made a strange new ally who didn't even know the name.

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