~ George Harrison 2 ~

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Having a two-year-old daughter with George had made the holiday season even brighter. Virginia was a light of happiness that never went away. She was a lot like her father, she had his beautiful dark brown eyes and enjoyed hearing the guitar. Her favorite thing was hearing George play his guitar for her.

Today, George had the idea to make gingerbread houses for the first time. He hadn't told Virginia yet, he stated that it needed to be a surprise.

"Hey, little one!" George exclaimed when seeing her.

"Hi, daddy!"

George smiled at the little girl and the way she lit up when he talked to her.

"We're gonna make gingerbread houses today!"

"YAY!" Virginia yelled.

Both you and George exchanged looks of admiration for the little girl.

"Do you know what a gingerbread house is, honey?" you asked.

"Um, no," she shrugged.

You and George both laughed.

George took Virginia's hand and walked her over to the kitchen. You had laid out lots of candy, frosting, and of course, gingerbread. George explained to the girl how to make a gingerbread house and what she should do.

He got out all the supplies that I had forgotten and started to make the house. Virginia would help every once in a while. She would drop a handful of candy on it or cheer for George.

George was completely in focus with building the house and pleasing his little daughter. He would tell her a joke or feed her candy. One time when he looked up from the Gingerbread house, he saw Virginia stick her whole hand in the tub of icing. She laughed and shoved her hand in her mouth to clean it off. George laughed with her and grabbed a rag to clean her up.

When the pair were finished, they brought their creation over to you. It was a mess but never the less adorable.

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