~Brian May~

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I wrote this for the 50 years of Queen celebration on Tumblr. Using the Confessions prompt for Day Three.

Brian May has been your best friend for five years. You've known him since you first saw him perform at one of Queen's first shows. Ever since then, the two of you have been inseparable. 

You've waited backstage for him and accepted his sweaty hugs when he finished a gig.

One thing had remained the same: The two of you are just friends. 

It killed you inside to just be friends. Every time you saw him it gave you butterflies. You had kept it to yourself for years, but you love Brian with your whole heart.

You'd been dying to tell him, but always voted against it, thinking he wouldn't feel the same.

That's how it always is, your brain had told you, then the two people end up married.

No matter what your head told you, anxiety always got in the way.

Tonight Brian was coming over to hang out. Just the two of you. He was going to bring pizza, a movie, and he said he needed to tell you something. Now a days, when Brian had to tell you something, it was saying something about a tour.

Brian said he'd be over with the pizza at five, so you turned on the television to kill time.

Just a little after five there was a knock at the door.

"Hey Brian! Good to see you! Come in!", you said while giving him a hug.

"Good to see you too y/n", he said while catching his breath.

Neither of you were hungry yet so you start binge watching a new show.

Somehow you finished four episodes and decided to turn off the TV.

"Y/N?", Brian asked while taking your hands in his.


"Do you ever feel like you're trapped? I mean like, you feel like you have to act a certain way because you don't want to mess things up?"

"I'm not sure I know what you mean?", you looked at him confused. What could this man be asking you?

"I, I, I think I love you y/n", he looked into your eyes.

"Oh thank goodness!", you replied, throwing your arms around his neck.

"I love you too Brian. So much"

Brian took your face in his hands and softly pressed his lips on yours.

The rest of the night was calm and blissful. There was no where else you would have rather been, than with Brian.

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