~Syd Barrett~

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Also starting to like Pink Floyd \_😑_/ look, i dont know guys. Also, I got this idea while swimming today, which is random but yeah

The soft sounds of rain against the window sent you into a therapeutic state of mind. Everything from the sound, to the way the drops looked as they slid down the glass.

Most days like these, you and Syd would give each other respected space. He would paint, and you would write poems and relax. Today was different, in the sense that the two of you were inseparable. 

Since you had woken up that morning Syd had been hugging you non stop and all you wanted, was to be in his company. 

I had been a very peaceful day between the two of you. the only sounds you could hear was the soft rain, and Syd occasionally whispering sweet nothings into your ear. 

The third movie of the day was finishing up, and Syd was waking up from a nap. 

"Hello love", Syd whispered as his eyes fluttered open and met yours.

You responded with a gentle kiss on his rosy lips. Syd sat up from his sleeping position on the couch, and took your hands in his. 

"Come on love. Let's go make some tea", he pulled you up off of the couch and lead you to the kitchen. 

As Syd made the tea you stared at him all the love and adoration in the world. Not more than ten minutes later, Syd came back with two cups of tea and a bowl of sugar cubes. 

You took out a sugar cube and playfully tossed it at Syd's face.

"Hey! What was that for?"

"Try to catch them in your mouth", you said. 

He looked at you with confusion. "You have horrible aim, but fine", he gave in.

You took five sugar cubes, and tossed them over the table one at a time to Syd. He caught the second one in his mouth.

"AYY!", Syd attempted to cheer with the sugar in his mouth. You smiled at him.

The next cube didn't make it to his mouth but got stuck in his hair. You both ended up laughing so hard you almost fell out of a chair.

The next cube found it's way inside Syd's mouth, and so did the last one. In triumph, Syd raised his arms and celebrated. All you could do was smile and laugh. 

After the both of you finished your tea, Syd hugged you. Then, he walked you to your shared bedroom (while still hugging you) and plopped onto the bed, sharing cuddles and soft kisses,


For starting this out like "pitter patter the rain splattered", this didn't stink too bad!

Right now I'm a sucker for Bob Dylan so you can request for him too.

Also you can request for David Bowie, because I love him.

Anyways, I hope you liked it!


Rose Petal Kisses ~ Classic Rock ImaginesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora