~ Jimbert ~

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Cold. So cold, he thought. Waking to a bus stop from getting groceries, during a heavy snowfall, was not the ideal situation for Robert. His car had broken down while trying to back out of the driveway and now he was stuck riding a bus.

It could be worse, he kept telling himself. But every time he had that thought, another gust of wind would almost push him over.

Once the bus had finally dropped him off close enough to his house. Robert walked the rest of the way home. It felt longer than it actually was, but with the wind and snow, everything felt so miserable.

On his arrival home, Robert put the groceries away as soon as possible then wrapped himself in a blanket on the couch. The warmth embraced his body and started to make him tired. He didn't have anything else left to do today, and he was in desperate need of sleep.


"I'm back!", the sound of someone's soft voice calling out woke Robert from his sleep.

No one was supposed to be here today, so it was starting to worry him. He looked up, and for the first time in 3 months, his eyes were met with the ones of Jimmy Page's.

Slowly, Robert stood up. He ran over to Jimmy and wrapped his arms around him.

"I thought you weren't coming back for another week", Robert whispered.

"I got off early", Jimmy smiled into Robert's shoulder.

Robert smiled too. It had felt like forever since he got to hold his lover in his arms. Neither of them wanted to let go for the rest of their lives.

Christmas spirit had been shown throughout the whole city, which made the love they felt for each other, grow. Both men never wanted to stop loving the other, and they never did.

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