~ Jimmy Page 5 ~

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Cold snow was softly falling outside. It looked like a cinematic miracle outside. Something pulled straight out of a fairytale.

You looked out of the window, excited like a little kid. It was as if you had seen the greatest happiness of your life. But that wasn't true, it was just that the snow was enchanting to you.

What Jimmy saw from across the room was the greatest happiness of his life. It was seeing your face light up, seeing you smile, and everything about you seemed to glow.

Jimmy grabbed his guitar and walked over to where you were sitting. You looked up at him and smiled, inviting him to take a seat next to you. Before sitting down, he opened all of the windows right by you so you could see the snow better.

Once he was sitting, Jimmy placed his guitar in his lap and started to softly play. Mindless strumming and his soft humming filled you with more happiness. As Jimmy played, you rested your head against his shoulder and closed your eyes.

You felt like you were about to drift off to sleep. That was until Jimmy began to play a familiar tune. Both of you started to hum and sing along. It was in times like these that both of you wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of your lives together like this. Happy, calm, and in love.

Lucky for the two of you, it could be like that anytime you wanted, soon. You looked down at the engagement ring on your finger and smiled, resting your head back down.

JImmy stopped playing and took your hand in his.

"Soon" he whispered, playing with the ring on your finger, "Soon".

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